A bird haunting...not for faint of heart..

OH boy, I just write the above and he attacks again. He come to the window, hit it and stared.
I decided to try a different approach and not show fear, so I started talking nicely to the bird, He rudely turned his back on me! Refused to make eye contact when I was being nice to him.

Here he is doing the nonchalant haunting of us, notice how one eye is following me:

This is his exceptional rudeness, see how he turns his back on me.

Here he is glancing over his shoulder at me when he sees I am taking his picture, He gets PO'd then left, he does not like his picture taken.

Great pictures! You can clearly see the blank, glazed look in those eyes . . . . Zombee Chickadee. It's obvious, isn't it? He's looking for brains, 'cause he hasn't any!

Terrifying stuff - " Day of the Flapping Dead."
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I am not brave enough to approach that chickadee without a secure glass between us!

I bought him bird seed today 2 kinds to try and appease him. I hope it works. I have heard stories of ghost birds breaking windows to get at people.

You do know Alfred Hitchcocks "the birds" was based on a true story, don't you?
I know some of you think I am making this up. I AM NOT!!

I finally got a picture of him trying to break down the window.

That is him, outside, trying to get inside. This has been going on for an hour this morning when I decided to try and get a picture. He has attacked me in two rooms today, the bedroom, and the dining room. I could not even do laundry without the haunting!

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