A bit heavy hearted today..


6 Years
Sep 15, 2013
Taunton, England
One of our hens has escaped and I have no idea where she is. Completely gone missing. So I'm revising the security of the garden. I'm so gutted
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Be sure to check under things like pots and whatnot. They always seem to get themselves under those.
Have you considered a predator?
Oh Dave, I am sorry. You described it exactly as it feels-gutted. You don't say if you know how she escaped but if she did, in fact, escape on her own accord (rather than being taken) she may come back to roost or may roost in a tree nearby. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Under pots!? I'll have another look when I'm out of the bath. Thanks Trish. I hope she does come back. There is a small gap in the chicken fence she usually goes through but she never strays too far so I never really gave it a second thought. I've covered it now though.
If she is used to that opening, and now it's closed, keep checking. Our gate once blew shut when ours were ranging and when I got home I thought my husband had closed it (with them inside) but when we realized it was a mistake I went out with a flashlight and they were huddled, most unhappily, beside the gate. We have a friend who had to hunt theirs down in nearby branches at night.
Well I'm in the garden now keeping a close ear out for her. I always said having 5 would turn out strange but I didn't want one to go missing. It was quite strange how quickly I grew attached to them haha.

I don't think I could handle chicks :p there's no rooster so I hope to God I'm ok on that front!
yeah. The attachment was, and is, astonishing to me. We started with four and I fell hard for them (and we lost each, over time, to predators. I cried every time and reconsidered this whole thing). We were given replacements when we got down to one, by a kind member of this forum, and raised three more this past spring, for a total of five now. I am crazy (in both senses of the word) for each. I really hope you find yours soon.
Under pots!? I'll have another look when I'm out of the bath.

You were posting on BYC whilst you were in the bath?!!
Yep, that qualifies as chicken-addicted behaviour!

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