A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Heading back to NYC in a few weeks. Booked dinner reservations ( have to book a few weeks out) at a newly awarded one star Michelin restaurant .... why you ask....they have GUINEA HEN on the menu!! Can you believe it R2elk?? When we are there more than a few days we usually try to have one great meal. It was my turn to pick a restaurant. My workmates may have a fit!! But I'm betting on R2elks insistence that Guinea is good eats! Oh I can't wait! Also can't wait for my coworkers reaction to Guinea being the main course.
Heading back to NYC in a few weeks. Booked dinner reservations ( have to book a few weeks out) at a newly awarded one star Michelin restaurant .... why you ask....they have GUINEA HEN on the menu!! Can you believe it R2elk?? When we are there more than a few days we usually try to have one great meal. It was my turn to pick a restaurant. My workmates may have a fit!! But I'm betting on R2elks insistence that Guinea is good eats! Oh I can't wait! Also can't wait for my coworkers reaction to Guinea being the main course.

Can you jus slip me in your luggage with some snacks and water and circulatin air for the ride?
Honestly sfgwife....I would rather share a Guinea hen meal with y'all turkey folks! That would be fun!!
Boy is it nasty hot & humid here. Now have two fans on the girls. And they are taking advantage of them. Was dragging the hose around last night. They love that too. Funny...the chickens don't like the fans & avoid the hose. The turkeys love fans & hoses.
Honestly sfgwife....I would rather share a Guinea hen meal with y'all turkey folks! That would be fun!!
Boy is it nasty hot & humid here. Now have two fans on the girls. And they are taking advantage of them. Was dragging the hose around last night. They love that too. Funny...the chickens don't like the fans & avoid the hose. The turkeys love fans & hoses.
I have heard that Guinea Hens taste like pheasant... But don't really know.
Anyone know if you can fool a broody turkey hen into thinking she hatched poults by putting some underneath her in the middle of the night? Bridget has lost her last egg and is still brooding, won't stop...
Block the nest area so she cannot get to it.

I take the poults from my hens as they hatch. If I have older poults available, I place the hen and the poults in the same room and observe their interaction. Most hens will talk to the poults and try to convince them they should join her. On occasion a hen may peck at the poult's heads in which case I quickly remove that particular hen from the room.

I currently have a hen that I gave three week old poults to. It took about three days for her to convince the poults that she is the mother. Those poults are now 5 weeks old and I have some less than two week old poults that are ready for a mother. The hen showed interest in the younger poults from outside of the room so I let her and the older poults in with the little ones and she quickly adopted them also.
Block the nest area so she cannot get to it.

I take the poults from my hens as they hatch. If I have older poults available, I place the hen and the poults in the same room and observe their interaction. Most hens will talk to the poults and try to convince them they should join her. On occasion a hen may peck at the poult's heads in which case I quickly remove that particular hen from the room.

I currently have a hen that I gave three week old poults to. It took about three days for her to convince the poults that she is the mother. Those poults are now 5 weeks old and I have some less than two week old poults that are ready for a mother. The hen showed interest in the younger poults from outside of the room so I let her and the older poults in with the little ones and she quickly adopted them also.
That one is a valuable mom! Mine will have to be older, takes too long to order from hatchery, so have to find some on Craigslist... I will try for 2 weeks old... So sad to sit there all that time and have nothing, and now it is getting too hot.

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