A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I got hit by a flying “reindeer” yesterday... I am recovering from my surgery and was told to be careful and not lift anything. Yesterday, I felt pretty good and decided I could let the birds out and gather eggs.

I opened the sliding door and then the wire dog kennel door the birds ran to me. They just gather around me to see if I have food... or cause they love me, I can never tell which. I thought they were all done jockeying for position so I stepped through the door. My wife has been doing this for past week.

One of the turkeys got so excited he flew off the rafters where they roost about 18 ft up and 30 ft out right to me as I stepped through the door at my post surgery turtle galloping gait.... I saw him coming and had no where to move because of the adoring mass of birds around me. I managed to brace myself and semi cover my incision with my other arm before impact...

The Japanese Kamakazis had nothing on this guy... a direct hit... but he lived.. I hope I do...

It is funny... however it had repercussions as I am lying prone in bed as I write this on my phone....I think I will wait another week before I open doors again. My wife the WW and nurse thinks I should go to ER.. I am thinking not..as I doubt the Docs will find kamikaze turkeys as funny as I did..

Based on my first hand research of turkey strength while flying versus reindeer strength I am sending Santa my recommendations to eat venison and switch to turkey power.

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