A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

If that is true I need to get Ethels eggs and lock them up for sure whether anyone here likes it or not, if they truly are Lilacs.

I looked at the pictures again and they look like they are, but I could be deluding myself.
I hatched out a bunch of what I called "dirty slates" last year that looked like that. Just the slightest hint of barring in the tail, and a pale red/tan tint to the tail and across the back. They all went for processing...
They looked just like your birds. Like slates, but "rusty" looking tails. Not sure if I took pics, I raised them for meat birds. I just figured they were mutts.
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Calling JJ and Ethel mutts is horrible, they maybe just ordinary crossbred turkeys but they are SUPER turkeys....Well I think they are. JJ is official greeter here at my little farm.
I finally saw pictures of the Lilac turkeys, they do look like JJ.

AND the pictures of the babies look like JJ and Ethels babies. BUT I am disappointed I thought they were red slate or slate red, I never know what to call them for sure.

Then when I read the Lilac is just a bourbon I became even more disappointed. BUT I love my JJ and Ethel and will be happy with the babies.

I am in a quandary about what to do with Ethel's eggs. She is not setting yet, BUT I know she is a better hatcher than me. However, her nest is on the edge of thew swamp, and there are lots of predators in the swamp.  This is a no win for me, If I lock them up my DW gets mad, and The turkeys get mad. If I don't they could get hurt.....What to do,,what to do..

Silkies would you really want some of their eggs?

There is no bourbon red in the genetics on a lilac or a red slate. Both are bronze based. And yes, I would LOVE eggs!!! (Most people who have these never realize what they have. That's why they are so rare to find them deliberately bred to produce more.)

SILKIE I just read on here about lilacs..

I need to know is this true?



[COLOR=FF0000]In 2000, Paula Johnson of the SPPA said we should refer to the b+b+DD genotype as lilac.

She also stated that what Sandhill raises is not a lilac, but actually a red slate, b+b+Dd basically, but lots of his also carry b1 ,cg ,ng and r as well from what I have seen in the results.

So she is the one who officially named these.


According to Porter's, a lilac is a bronze carrying double slate genes (the equivalent of the lavender with the double blue) and will breed true. The red slates are bronze carrying 1 slate gene (like a blue slate) which gives you all 3 gene combinations of bronze, red slate & lilac (blues give black, blue & lavender). Sooo, mixing red slate & lilac should give just red slate & lilac, just like blue & lavender together give only blue & lavender.

JJ & Ethel are not mutts either way. They are the bronze equivalent to blue slate.
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There is no bourbon red in the genetics on a lilac or a red slate. Both are bronze based. And yes, I would LOVE eggs!!! (Most people who have these never realize what they have. That's why they are so rare to find them deliberately bred to produce more.)
According to Porter's, a lilac is a bronze carrying double slate genes (the equivalent of the lavender with the double blue) and will breed true. The red slates are bronze carrying 1 slate gene (like a blue slate) which gives you all 3 gene combinations of bronze, red slate & lilac (blues give black, blue & lavender). Sooo, mixing red slate & lilac should give just red slate & lilac, just like blue & lavender together give only blue & lavender.

JJ & Ethel are not mutts either way. They are the bronze equivalent to blue slate.

Thanks, I am choosing to believe what you say, It makes me feel good about my Turkeys we love so much.
How exciting! You finally figured out what JJ and Ethel are!
Not to mention, they are the coolest turkeys around. It makes me all the more sad their eggs didn't hatch.
Mine were not quite as developed as yours in the egg.

From the pictures, I have to agree with Lilac. They look more Lilac than Slate.

I am learning so much about turkey coloring and breeds.
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