A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

None of mine want to cuddle. If you want that you have to work for it. :lau They follow me around because I’m the treat goddess, but it’s definitely “look-don’t-touch” for all my flock. I do have a little cow who loves me, though.:love
Haha ya I got one barn cat and 3 power plant garbage kittens who snuggle me so I guess it’s fine lol. I’m a dog person too havent had a cat since I was 8!
That sounds like fun! My brother was born on Christmas eve. I always felt he got ripped off.

I haven't seen the girls Christmas lists yet. Daisy has asked for a strand of pearls & a whole bag of BOSS for the last few years. No idea what the teenagers want!
Haha so high maintenance! Also tiramisu is my fav:drool

So my girl has been relentless today since the moment she got up. Walked her back in the run 5 times picked her up two times. As soon as I get back to the porch she’s up on the fence and out oh well the princess wins! The snow is almost all melted so she wants to explore she hasn’t gone more than 10 ft from the run though so whatever I just keep checking on her to make sure she’s ok. I can’t be mad at her she’s just too cute. Lots of things to hop up on in case of danger. I worry about dogs more. Neighbors don’t have any but I saw a hunting dog running at the edge of the property does anyone know if they always soft mouth or will they attack a bird?
Most dogs will kill a bird. No matter the breed. It's just instinct. As far as bite goes....the Retrievers can have soft mouths. Hounds do not. Usually full mouth bite. Herding dogs are interesting. My Aussies pinch with the front of their mouths. Dont wanna hurt that live stock. But then you dont want to get bit by a malinois. Usually depends on what the dog was bred for. Terriers are bred to bite & hang on. But the worst....and I seriously mean this...are fear biters.
Most dogs will kill a bird. No matter the breed. It's just instinct. As far as bite goes....the Retrievers can have soft mouths. Hounds do not. Usually full mouth bite. Herding dogs are interesting. My Aussies pinch with the front of their mouths. Dont wanna hurt that live stock. But then you dont want to get bit by a malinois. Usually depends on what the dog was bred for. Terriers are bred to bite & hang on. But the worst....and I seriously mean this...are fear biters.

I am not sure what a person would have to do to get Pearl to bite them..

She knows the turkeys and chickens are off limit and lies right with them. Even allows them to climb over her.

She has a very soft mouth. I wish her bite was a tad stronger. When she retrieves a bird for me they are in the same condition they were in when I shot it. Meaning not all are dead. I worry about her dropping a bird and it flying away.

Of course, at her age that is not much of a worry.

Oh, her bite is really different on squirrels, she will bite them once really hard, shake them and drop them. She refuses to carry them to me.

Weird mutt!
As far as bite goes....the Retrievers can have soft mouths. Hounds do not.
My last Treeing Walker had a very soft mouth. I would close up the coop at night, turn on the light and start shooting starlings. While I was doing that she was catching live starlings as they would fly by her. At first I just let her have them until I realized that she was letting them go unharmed. After that, I would kill them as fast as she caught them. Once they were dead she had no further interest in them and would drop the dead bird and catch another one.

The last time we went starling hunting, there was only one bird in the coop. I didn't even get the pellet gun out. She caught the starling within a few minutes. It wasn't until later that she started killing birds she would catch. She did make an exception for guineas. If a guinea would land in her pen, she would not only catch it but she would also eat all but a couple of its feathers.
My last Treeing Walker had a very soft mouth. I would close up the coop at night, turn on the light and start shooting starlings. While I was doing that she was catching live starlings as they would fly by her. At first I just let her have them until I realized that she was letting them go unharmed. After that, I would kill them as fast as she caught them. Once they were dead she had no further interest in them and would drop the dead bird and catch another one.

The last time we went starling hunting, there was only one bird in the coop. I didn't even get the pellet gun out. She caught the starling within a few minutes. It wasn't until later that she started killing birds she would catch. She did make an exception for guineas. If a guinea would land in her pen, she would not only catch it but she would also eat all but a couple of its feathers.
She thought those guinea were tasty
A little cow? Would love to see a pic.

You’ve seen her :)... hopefully next year three more really little ones. :fl


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