A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Small eye syndrome is associated with the slate (D) color gene. It is more common in Self Blues aka Lavenders (DD) because of the homozygous slate genes. It can lead to blindness. Turkeys with small eye syndrome should not be used in a breeding program.
Yes, that's it. And he is a Lavender. And, no, I won't be using him as a breeder.

He goes into the pet pen along with Digits and Tommy Tucker Turkey - unless someone comes along who wants a pet turkey and doesn't mind his "special needs". :)
And I didn’t realize my birthday is the day before!
They gave you some good advice. Welcome to the turkey thread!
I don’t use saddles, and I don’t have any turkeys atm, but I would like to reserve a chicken size one, if you are willing to make it, just so I can have a keepsake. It is a gorgeous fabric, and I too think Memphis would love it. :love
Lol, I assume this is a typo and you actually meant 2020. 😊 I hope your blind turkey fares well. If other people have a blind turkey some day, it could be useful to know how well they cope (or don’t cope) with the condition. We love “special” turkeys here.
This is lovely. Thank you.
Yup - it was the time of night - lol. 2020 is correct.
Hi. New/first time turkey owner. Been wanting turkeys for years but just kept putting it off. However, I've been living vicariously through your posts learning as much as possible. Monday I saw a young Blue Slate hen standing in a yard on a busy four lane road during morning rush hour. Did a u-turn through four lanes of traffic and caught her. Dressed for work and in pumps. Can't find anyone in the area missing her. No idea where she could have come from. I live in Memphis, not out in the country. So she's here, in a large covered chain link dog run. Added a lawn chair and we've been getting to know each other. My chickens are quite jealous! She's progressed from avoiding me to sitting on my lap. So that's how I got my first turkey! Just wanted to introduce myself....I'm sure I'll have tons of questions!
Picture, picture, picture! 😋

Found this photo in a thread of mine on gardening and landscaping. She was a major contributor there and for me this was ‘her.’
Heavenly garden gates with turkey hens.

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