A+D ointment uses?


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Okay so I found this jar of A+D ointment, like diaper rash stuff, in my closet that I bought I think at some point last year. Anyway, I put it in my closet and forgot about it and now I'm wondering why I bought it. :lau I'm pretty positive I bought it because I read about it on here though so I was hoping maybe you guys could tell me possible uses for it. That's also why I have it in the flock management section because I feel like it had something to do with the chickens. But it could also have been for the dog, cat, or myself I suppose. But I'm pretty positive it was a chicken use. Feel free to move it though. Could it possibly be used to treat scaly leg mites or frost bite? I have chickens with those that I've been treating with castor oil but does this maybe work better? Or am I just completely off base here and it's not chicken related? If not I guess I could give it to my friend with a baby. :lau I am searching in the search but am hoping someone can tell me.

This is it and I'm attaching pictures.


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Its good for rashes and minor wounds. It also helps cold sores but you dont want to get it in your mouth. I bought some when i got my first tattoo because it was recommended by my tattooist but ive found other uses for it. Might help the chickens with leg mites or minor wounds on their combs. Ive never tried it on my birds though

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