A delicate question about male dogs

From the Neuticle website:

Neuticles allowing your pet to retain his natural look, self esteem and aids in the trauma associated with neutering.


I guess it helps 'cause he can still lick 'em?
Your poor dog was probably wondering what the heck you where doing. My dog won't even let me brush his back side much less get close and personal with him. But, then again, he's big enough to get his way too.
I'm getting a pup, same breeder, around Christmas time. Haven't totally decided on a male or female yet.

If they are both going to be "house dogs", you're better off with a male and a female.​
If they are both going to be "house dogs", you're better off with a male and a female.

Yeah, that's kinda the way I'm leaning. Jax is awesome, but I still have a preference for female dogs.
I really like the girl dogs, too. The sexes really seem to think differently and have different agendas. OH! - just like people!

My female AmStaffs have a lot more complex brains compared to the boys, and can be a little harder to train, but they are loads of fun! I'm sure this differs by breed, though.

Also my girls won't work for other people and the boys can totally be bought.
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Yeah, that's kinda the way I'm leaning. Jax is awesome, but I still have a preference for female dogs.

With one of each gender, you are not very likely to have dominance issues. You will probably have issues with two males (though females can be even worse!).

I'd recommend getting them both fixed, too. Having a female spotting and a male clawing at the door and howling is no fun at all.

The Jax pic you poseted on the dogs pic thread looks great! Those ears are HUGE! He'll grow into them ...
He looks a lot like the first GSD I had, years ago.​
you might want to arm yourself with a female pup - i'm telling you. being around two huge MALE GSD all darn day is like living with a couple of teenage boys. and no one wants that but teenage girls. sheesh. one of these days i'm actually going to come home to the two dogs and my hubby - all in boxers - sitting on the couch watching football and having burp contests. seriously.

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