A dog killed all my chicken last night

I'm so sorry. Sending you hugs...
I am so sorry.
That is one of my worst fears, as dogs are really the only daytime predators around here. I think it is made even more sad that you had them inside a good fence and it "ate" through the fence. So unfair.
Dang, dang, dang.

I am SO sorry to hear about that.

I lost one and am healing another from a dog attack earlier this month, and also lost a Roo and a hen in a dog attack in June.

I can't imagine how much worse I could feel...until reading your post and imagining had my whole FLOCK been killed.

(((((HUGE HUGS)))))
Thanks everybody for your kind words.

I keep reminding myself that we built the best coop and run we could to keep them safe. Thats all anyone can do right?

I learned a valuable lesson and we decided that they are way too much fun to give up keeping chickens.

We've already decided we need to build a Fort Knox run. It's going to edged with a concrete border and the chain link fence is going to be set in the concrete. No gaps, no way to bend it.

I am not giving up!!!!
Soooo sorry and good for you for not giving up. I had the very same thing happen to me and I had a real secure coop and run. The door was a door from a mobile home, wooden with tin on the outside and the dog peeled back the tin and went through the wood. If they want in they will not stop trying. It happened in the morning just after I finished feeding and went back inside. The dog couldn't get out but I still lost 22 hens and my barred Rock Rooster in minutes. I called the police but had lost all but one before they got there. I even tried to lock him in the run thinking I could save the birds inside but they were all dead except one that I didn't see until the police arrived. Her name was Babbs.........that's where I got mine. She continued to lay eggs in her lonely little cage in the car port for 3 weeks until I got a new flock of hens. It is a horrible feeling to lose so many so tragically and my heart goes out to you. Keep your chin up and don't let it discourage you from enjoying the company of our dear chickens.
I am so sorry for your loss......I have only had my chickens for 10 months and I am so surprised at how attached I am to them....
I know you are sad....i am so sorry.
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Just got on and saw this - I'm so sorry.
I'm glad you aren't giving up, though. Chickens are too much fun not to have them in your life.
You may want to consider an electric fence around your coop and run as well. Since I addded mine I haven't had any losses, but I have heard a lot of night time yelps as various animals have learned that the chicken dinner isn't worth traversing the fence!
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss!

They were obviously loved and cared for . . . what more can a creature ask for? You did well.

I'm glad you're not giving up on chickens -- the chickens of the world need good caretakers!

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