A few months ago one of my chickens got sick... Question


7 Years
Nov 18, 2012
Southeast Michigan
A few months ago one of my chickens got sick. I seperated her from the flock and put her on antibiotics. During the time she was seperated the others started laying their first eggs. She ended up laying 2 weeks after I put her back with the others (about 3 weeks after the others started laying) Since she started laying, her eggs have always been smaller than the rest. She is the same breed as 2 others so I can compare (Americanuas). Also at first her egg shells were pretty thin so I gave them oyster shell to munch on. A few months later her eggs are still smaller than the rest and I notice her egg shell is also rougher (calcium deposits) almost like sand paper. Does anybody know why this would be? Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to at least help her eggs become smoother like the rest? Is she damaged forever because of the antibiotics? I appreciate any feedback, Thanks!
If she isn't eating as much as the others her eggs will be smaller (more protein in the feed = larger eggs)- that's one idea anyway- I don't really know the reason but that is a speculation.

I too have chickens with occasional calcium spots- it means they consumed too much calcium that day from what I have read. I'd not worry about it myself. It is very very good to give them oyster shells on the side that they can eat if they want.

Here is a nice link:
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Shell grit is very good for them and the eggs. You can collect it from the beach. Feed the chicken lots of it every day and it should start to make the eggs bigger and stronger.
Thanks everyone. I have oyster shell and grit on the side for them. I've been trying to feed them a banana every few days because someone thought maybe she needed potassium

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