A Heritage of Perfection: Standard-bred Large Fowl

YHF wrote:

The same horrible scenario is currently going on in Orpingtons, Polish, Sussex, and Brahmas. Ridiculous and unsophisticated colors and types are being mused about on the internet by people with very limited understanding. They, in turn, in their ignorance, fill other new-comers up with stories of bogus glory. All of a sudden folks without a lick of standard-bred experience want to get their rubbish fowl into the SOP. When their inexperience is met with resistence from the APA/ABA communities, they assume it is because the APA/ABA community is unmalleable or exclusive, it doesn't occur to them that communities that are 140 years old and 100 years old respectively have dealt with a different worthless fad (or ten) every decade and have come to understand that they do much more harm than good.
Yup Yup, Yup! In Sussex, they want so many new colors admitted. What about the Speckled and Red Sussex? Who is going to love them back into excellence and keep the few excellent birds from being degraded? The Lights are a fight I think we are going to win. Personally, I see them as becoming ( once again) the dominant color in Sussex fowl because of their eWh allele. eWh makes it so much easier to breed the proper color and cull from the chick down. Someone was touting their Brown Red Sussex the other day ( Sussex/Marans cross) . Oh my glory, someone save me . Nope, nope, even the Marans folk struggle with that coloring. Cuckoo Sussex? They disappeared in the 1920's. No one is going to make me believe they revived from pure Sussex fowl. ( there's a cuckoo Marans in that closet somewhere) The Red Sussex needs so much help. Last century it was a fine variety. Know for its broodiness. Guess folk want to breed a variety with more than one color? ( maybe if APA had kept the black hackle more folk would be choosing it, but hey! That's the way the cookie crumbles and it is stunning without the hackle). Oh and let's no forget the infamous Light Sussex/ Silver Sussex crosses, sigh. Crossing alleles for the sake of convenience. No, I don't want to hear about saving the "tiny" Silver gene pool from inbreeding. That's not a good reason to cross alleles ( ER/eWh) and then foist the mongrel allele birds off on other novices so they can figure out the mess. Why can't we work to save what we have? Why do we need all these new colors? Away with them I say! Stick to strengthening the breed's foundation in it's classic, recognized colors. Speckled, Red, and Light. Three varieties is just about the max any breed can sustain these days.
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Does anyone even care what an "e" allele is today?
Don't they understand the horse they let out of the barn when they cross "e" alleles in their breeding projects?
His name is "State of Confusion".
and his kids are usually foisted off on other folk, who end up rueing the day they obtained the "special birds".

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YHF wrote:

The same horrible scenario is currently going on in Orpingtons, Polish, Sussex, and Brahmas. Ridiculous and unsophisticated colors and types are being mused about on the internet by people with very limited understanding. They, in turn, in their ignorance, fill other new-comers up with stories of bogus glory. All of a sudden folks without a lick of standard-bred experience want to get their rubbish fowl into the SOP. When their inexperience is met with resistence from the APA/ABA communities, they assume it is because the APA/ABA community is unmalleable or exclusive, it doesn't occur to them that communities that are 140 years old and 100 years old respectively have dealt with a different worthless fad (or ten) every decade and have come to understand that they do much more harm than good.
There is a person in AZ selling Lavender Orpington chicks for $25 each
Greetings, Heather!

The Hamburg is a breed with an outstanding history in definite need of committed breeders.  There are currently, to my knowledge, no breeders for whom Golden Spangled Hamburgs are a mainstay.  Indeed, the most established variety, the Silver Spangled Hamburg, has but a few.

Here are some photos of birds I have growing.

PS:  Please remember that, although there are some old SOP editions on line, the APA depends on SOP sales for its fiscal solvency.  Breeders join the APA and purchase an SOP.
YHF where did your SSH originate? This was one of the breeds I seriously considered after talking with Bob Blosl, he strongly recommended getting some based on Paul Hardy lines, but after two years trying I decided to get white Chanteclers instead. I was specifically looking at those lines as Bob said the color was pretty well set and it would be harder for me to mess it up. :)
YHF where did your SSH originate? This was one of the breeds I seriously considered after talking with Bob Blosl, he strongly recommended getting some based on Paul Hardy lines, but after two years trying I decided to get white Chanteclers instead. I was specifically looking at those lines as Bob said the color was pretty well set and it would be harder for me to mess it up.

My Hamburgs originate from Dick Stevens and Erik Nelson. Theirs is the other important line. For what I can tell, I think they're probably better than the Paul Hardy birds. I should be getting some Paul Hardy birds later this season.
YHF where did your SSH originate? This was one of the breeds I seriously considered after talking with Bob Blosl, he strongly recommended getting some based on Paul Hardy lines, but after two years trying I decided to get white Chanteclers instead. I was specifically looking at those lines as Bob said the color was pretty well set and it would be harder for me to mess it up. :)

My Hamburgs originate from Dick Stevens and Erik Nelson.  Theirs is the other important line.  For what I can tell, I think they're probably better than the Paul Hardy birds.  I should be getting some Paul Hardy birds later this season.
Thanks, would love to continue seeing pictures as they mature, and of the new birds.

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