>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

"THey are", he smirked. "Looking far and wide, for the lost pup, but they're not gonna find it." his eyes nglintid with evil.

Reed smiled, but it was obvious his mind was elsewhere. "Owl, I'm going back to camp to go hunting with Shadow. Youy finish this up, okay?" He woofed.
(Gtg g'night peeps :hugs)
Reed smiled, but it was obvious his mind was elsewhere. "Owl, I'm going back to camp to go hunting with Shadow. Youy finish this up, okay?" He woofed.
(Gtg g'night peeps
Bracken grinned, "Good."
(Bye Zelda! :hugs)
~Owl waved her tail in a nonchalant departure acknowledgement, then turned back to Bracken. "So your Alpha," she began, somewhat wary as she realized what she was about to say, ".... I've heard you bear emotional attachment to her...."~
(Bye Zelda!
~Owl waved her tail in a nonchalant departure acknowledgement, then turned back to Bracken. "So your Alpha," she began, somewhat wary as she realized what she was about to say, ".... I've heard you bear emotional attachment to her...."~
Bracken grinned. "I used to, but now I've realized how weak she was. She chose the lousy dog Stream to be Beta instead of me, her mate!"
(Bye Zelda! :hugs )

~Owl waved her tail in a nonchalant departure acknowledgement, then turned back to Bracken. "So your Alpha," she began, somewhat wary as she realized what she was about to say, ".... I've heard you bear emotional attachment to her...."~

Bracken grinned. "I used to, but now I've realized how weak she was. She chose the lousy dog Stream to be Beta instead of me, her mate!"

~Mudskipper accelerated into a trot as she realized it was Bracken, slinking from bush to bush along the familiar trail to Rip Pack border. If it's a border patrol, why in the name of Sirius is he acting like his tail is going to be chopped off?!?!~
~Mudskipper accelerated into a trot as she realized it was Bracken, slinking from bush to bush along the familiar trail to Rip Pack border. If it's a border patrol, why in the name of Sirius is he acting like his tail is going to be chopped off?!?!~
GTG I'll be back tommorow Mudskipper can go tell River or something.
(Bye Zelda! :hugs )

~Owl waved her tail in a nonchalant departure acknowledgement, then turned back to Bracken. "So your Alpha," she began, somewhat wary as she realized what she was about to say, ".... I've heard you bear emotional attachment to her...."~

Bracken grinned. "I used to, but now I've realized how weak she was. She chose the lousy dog Stream to be Beta instead of me, her mate!"

~Owl nodded slowly. "Then, if it finally does come to a war like we have plotted up, you will have no qualms with her being killed so that you would automatically take her rank?" Owl's eyes blunted red in the noon sun. "What if......
You somehow got her to demote the weakling Beta; so that, when the Alpha's killed, you'll have no one to stop you from taking her rank?" Owl's claws twitched with irritation that Bracken's well thought-out plan had been foiled the other night. "Since killing her already proved futile...."~
~Mudskipper accelerated into a trot as she realized it was Bracken, slinking from bush to bush along the familiar trail to Rip Pack border. If it's a border patrol, why in the name of Sirius is he acting like his tail is going to be chopped off?!?!~

GTG I'll be back tommorow Mudskipper can go tell River or something.

~Mudskipper shrunk back behind a bush as the foreboding scents of coyotes trickled up her nostrils.
She took in the scene before her with her eyes, but her mind couldn't, wouldn't, comprehend it.
Bracken was talking with two coyotes.
".....so when she's killed...."
And scheming with them.~
~Blaze clenched his jaws down on the male's ear and brutally ripped it away as claws scored his own throat. Cursing himself for leaving his neck exposed, Blaze leaped away and darted back in to gnaw at the intruder's flank.~
HEather clawed even harder, but the fox managed to slam her to the ground, making her unconscious. Blood slowly trickled from her head.

~The hot rage of fear overtook Blaze as his beloved mate slumped to the floor. Enough games. He charged forward at the other male, abandoning all planned caution. He slashed blindly with his claws, hoping to have the fox shy away.
He succeeded. As the fox flinched to avoid the unexpected flurry of hits, a patch of vulnerable neck showed. Small, but enough.
Blaze plunged forward, the opponent's claws scoring deep into his face, and Blaze drove his teeth into its neck. A massive spurt of blood and the fox's squeal made known that his deadly fangs had hit their mark. Gurgling and writhing, the other fox weakly attempted to tear himself free. Blaze only brutally drove his teeth in deeper, feeling with malevolent satisfaction the severed life vein pulsing at the edge of his teeth. With a final gasp, the fox crumpled to the ground, blow spewing from its nostrils as the utter maniacal light in its eyes was extinguished completely by the drench of death.~
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