>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

(That sounds fine :)) Galaxies followed close behind Coal, knowing that her nose could sniff out anything.~

Coal raised her head and looked at Galaxies. "You watch and listen, I'll smell, okay?" She barked.

(Rip Pack)
~Owl darted over to Reed at the edge of Rip Pack camp. "Let's go," she hissed, her eyes flicking back and forth furtively. "Bracken said he'd meet us at the border to finalize the plans."~

Reed nodded briefly, giving Shadow a quick gland from across camp. He sighed, realizing how hard it was for her not knowing what he was doing. "What did you do with that pup we kidnapped?" He barked as the pair began to walk out of camp.

(River Pack):
(Basically everybody :p)~ Specklepup plodded up to Hollyshadow, trying not to create a scene. "Hollyshadow," she hissed, her tail stiff. "Nightpup's missing."~
(@CP Chicken)~Midnight heaved a last clot of upturned dirt into Solarsun's grave, her head dipped in complete solemnity, almost completely forgetting that Thunder was right beside her.~
~Apple wandered around the forest of willow trees, not really having a purpose for where her paws where taking her.~
~Ash lay at the edge of camp, brooding the matter of River Pack's deficient leadership.~
~Hawk plodded up to Birch, pondering if he should ask her to go hunting with him.~
~Windsong stared at Leopard from the veiling shadows of the elders' den, probing her capability to lead. Will she fight for the rank of Beta?
Windsong swallowed, long and slow.
If Alpha ever remembers to hold the fights.~
(That sounds fine :)) Galaxies followed close behind Coal, knowing that her nose could sniff out anything.~

Coal raised her head and looked at Galaxies. "You watch and listen, I'll smell, okay?" She barked.

(Rip Pack)
~Owl darted over to Reed at the edge of Rip Pack camp. "Let's go," she hissed, her eyes flicking back and forth furtively. "Bracken said he'd meet us at the border to finalize the plans."~

Reed nodded briefly, giving Shadow a quick gland from across camp. He sighed, realizing how hard it was for her not knowing what he was doing. "What did you do with that pup we kidnapped?" He barked as the pair began to walk out of camp.

(River Pack):
(Basically everybody :p)~ Specklepup plodded up to Hollyshadow, trying not to create a scene. "Hollyshadow," she hissed, her tail stiff. "Nightpup's missing."~
(@CP Chicken)~Midnight heaved a last clot of upturned dirt into Solarsun's grave, her head dipped in complete solemnity, almost completely forgetting that Thunder was right beside her.~
~Apple wandered around the forest of willow trees, not really having a purpose for where her paws where taking her.~
~Ash lay at the edge of camp, brooding the matter of River Pack's deficient leadership.~
~Hawk plodded up to Birch, pondering if he should ask her to go hunting with him.~
~Windsong stared at Leopard from the veiling shadows of the elders' den, probing her capability to lead. Will she fight for the rank of Beta?
Windsong swallowed, long and slow.
If Alpha ever remembers to hold the fights.~

(Should Ash or Birch become Beta?)
(Hollyshadow was with Puffcloud(Grizzly)But whateves)Hollyleaf's tail stiffened as she turned to Specklepup,"Are you sure?"she growled low.
Reed broke into a suddenly urgent gallop as he raced for camp. The dreadful - yet often needless fear that Shadow was in trouble settled like a rock in his chest, and he ran harder. He swerved into the entrance to camp and skidded to a halt in front of the nursery. "Shadow?" He barked, a tad bit louderthan he meant to.

Shadow lofted her head, and a spark of joy fluted behind her eyes. "Reed!" She Yipped, and sprang out of the den, covering his face in joyful licks.

Reed jumped back, laughing. "Come on!" He growled, "let's go catch every rabbit we can find!" And the two set out of camp at a steady lope, since Reed still needed to catch his breath.
"I want to swim the river and see if we can drive some deer into our turf." Shadow barked, keeping her voice low enough that it wouldnt carry into the surrounding territories.
"Yes" Reed panted. "River? Or Storm?"
Shadow looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Both" she growled deviously, as they skidded to a stop at the river.
Reed stared at his mate, dumbstruck. "I love you" he Yipped, playfully grabbing her ear."let's catch our breath before we swim over" he barked, crawling into a patch of reeds at the Rivera edge.
Quote: ~Owl nodded slowly. "Then, if it finally does come to a war like we have plotted up, you will have no qualms with her being killed so that you would automatically take her rank?" Owl's eyes blunted red in the noon sun. "What if......
You somehow got her to demote the weakling Beta; so that, when the Alpha's killed, you'll have no one to stop you from taking her rank?" Owl's claws twitched with irritation that Bracken's well thought-out plan had been foiled the other night. "Since killing her already proved futile...."~
"While in pack law, the only way for a hunter, to take a higher rank is fight."
~The hot rage of fear overtook Blaze as his beloved mate slumped to the floor. Enough games. He charged forward at the other male, abandoning all planned caution. He slashed blindly with his claws, hoping to have the fox shy away.
He succeeded. As the fox flinched to avoid the unexpected flurry of hits, a patch of vulnerable neck showed. Small, but enough.
Blaze plunged forward, the opponent's claws scoring deep into his face, and Blaze drove his teeth into its neck. A massive spurt of blood and the fox's squeal made known that his deadly fangs had hit their mark. Gurgling and writhing, the other fox weakly attempted to tear himself free. Blaze only brutally drove his teeth in deeper, feeling with malevolent satisfaction the severed life vein pulsing at the edge of his teeth. With a final gasp, the fox crumpled to the ground, blow spewing from its nostrils as the utter maniacal light in its eyes was extinguished completely by the drench of death.~
Heather limp form showed no signs of a fight except the blood running from her forehead.

Cinder and Smoke whimpered from their corner.
~The hot rage of fear overtook Blaze as his beloved mate slumped to the floor. Enough games. He charged forward at the other male, abandoning all planned caution. He slashed blindly with his claws, hoping to have the fox shy away.
He succeeded. As the fox flinched to avoid the unexpected flurry of hits, a patch of vulnerable neck showed. Small, but enough.
Blaze plunged forward, the opponent's claws scoring deep into his face, and Blaze drove his teeth into its neck. A massive spurt of blood and the fox's squeal made known that his deadly fangs had hit their mark. Gurgling and writhing, the other fox weakly attempted to tear himself free. Blaze only brutally drove his teeth in deeper, feeling with malevolent satisfaction the severed life vein pulsing at the edge of his teeth. With a final gasp, the fox crumpled to the ground, blow spewing from its nostrils as the utter maniacal light in its eyes was extinguished completely by the drench of death.~
Heather limp form showed no signs of a fight except the blood running from her forehead.

Cinder and Smoke whimpered from their corner.

~With a grievous whimper, Blaze curled up around his unconscious mate, trembling with apprehension. She's going to be okay. She's going to be okay.~

~Hazel let out a squeal and blindly tumbled over Smoke's tail in a panic to somehow locate their mother.~
Coal jogged back into camp, her pelt soaked and a sizeable trout hanging in her jaws.
Coal jogged back into camp, her pelt soaked and a sizeable trout hanging in her jaws.

~Mudskipper's heart sank lower and lower with utter forebodence as Bracken kept on amicably conversing with the sniveling coyotes. One was a massive black male and the other a golden she-coyote who looked completely capable of tearing Bracken's pelt off in one, neat slash.
"So I failed at killing Stream."
Mudskipper's ears shot even farther forward through the bush she had veiled herself in. Bracken was the assassin with the snakes?!~
Coal jogged back into camp, her pelt soaked and a sizeable trout hanging in her jaws.

~Dotpup scrambled to her paws to greet her newfound idol. She staggered over to the massive she-wolf, feeling her front leg's interminably-increasing sturdiness with wry satisfaction. "Hey, Coal!"~
(Canyon)~Stream strolled leisurely up to Winter, her fear finally beginning to be herded away by her usual cool dignity. "Anything suspicious from dawn's patrol?"~
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