>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

Antler lengthened his stride into a full-blown sprint, the rabbit swinging widely from his immense jaws.
Antler lengthened his stride into a full-blown sprint, the rabbit swinging widely from his immense jaws.

Doe stopped and stretched out her front paws casually before she took a deep breath and sprinted after Antler, with each moment bringing her closer to him until she finally caught up and slowed her pace a bit to match his, she shot him a small amused smile before she picked up her pace again and started to pass Antler.
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Doe stopped and stretched out her front paws casually before she took a deep breath and sprinted after Antler, with each moment bringing her closer to him until she finally caught up and slowed her pace a bit to match his, she shot him a small amused smile before she picked up her pace again and started to pass Antler.

Antler growled playfully, swinging the rabbit at her hind legs in an attempt to trip her, and leaped after her, his powerful muscles working like pistons.
Antler growled playfully, swinging the rabbit at her hind legs in an attempt to trip her, and leaped after her, his powerful muscles working like pistons.

Doe kicked the rabbit and watched with satisfaction as it comes back to slap him lightly in the face. She then turned her attention back to what was in front of her and she swiftly dodged an incoming branch before she forced her legs to carry her faster, her paws kicking up small amounts of dirt as her paws left indents in the earth.
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Antler dropped the rabbit and set his fpoxus on running. He swerved around the branch Doe had dodged, and ran just behind her, nipping her heels as if he was herding her.
Antler dropped the rabbit and set his fpoxus on running. He swerved around the branch Doe had dodged, and ran just behind her, nipping her heels as if he was herding her.

Doe glanced back at Antler for a quick second before she bursts forward, letting her long legs stretch out and her lean body lower close to the ground as she unleashed her full speed. She quickly gained distance from Antler, literally leaving him in the dust as she pulled ahead many feet ahead of him. She couldn't help but let her tongue stick out as she ran and she didn't even notice her ears flapping against her head as she continued to run blissfully ahead of Antler.
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Doe glanced back at Antler for a quick second before she busted forward, letting her long legs stretch out and her lean body lower as she unleashed her full speed. She quickly gaining distance from Antler, literally leaving him in the dust as she pulled ahead many feet ahead of him. She couldn't help but let her tongue stick out as she ran and she didn't even notice her ears flapping against her head as she continued to run blissfully ahead of Antler.

Antler slowed slightly, then sprang straight up and grabbed a young squirrel from a branch above him. He continued running, letting his bulky muscles stretch. "She can go back and get the rabbit" he thought, "since I have this squirrel!"
Antler slowed slightly, then sprang straight up and grabbed a young squirrel from a branch above him. He continued running, letting his bulky muscles stretch. "She can go back and get the rabbit" he thought, "since I have this squirrel!"

Doe finally slowed down, she was panting hard as she hadn't noticed how far she ran until she stopped. She turned and laid down to wait for Antler to catch up to her.
Doe finally slowed down, she was panting hard as she hadn't noticed how far she ran until she stopped. She turned and laid down to wait for Antler to catch up to her.

Antler slowed to a jog as he neared Doe, allowing the squirrel to drag on the ground slightly before he dropped it at his paws. "I dropped the rabbit - you caught it, so you go get it" he barked playfully.
Antler slowed to a jog as he neared Doe, allowing the squirrel to drag on the ground slightly before he dropped it at his paws. "I dropped the rabbit - you caught it, so you go get it" he barked playfully.

Doe rolled onto her back and looked up at Antler from an upside-down view "Oh come on, that's hardly fair. You helped me catch it and you're the one who dropped it" she says with amusement and a fake scowl
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