>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

"Very true" Antler replied in agreement. "Smell anything?"

(Wow you replied a lot faster then I expected 0_0 so yay that means I'm not by meself :D )

Doe lowered her head a bit to see if she could smell anything out of the ordinary "A vole took the same path we are walking but it was around a day ago, there's small trace of a another pack mate, Blackpup to be exact, and a the scent of River pack is coming from up ahead so we are close to the border and that's just a few things" she answers as she raises her head back up to it's usual proud height.
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Flare trotted back into camp, and headed for Falcon's former vicinity. He soon located her, and headed nonchalantly near her.

Falcon sensed Flare approaching and without turning to face him, she simply said "You've seem to have been in a fight, why are coming over to me?" She asks the last part like a question but her voice obviously made it sound like a demand
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