>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

~Midnight reached out a paw, longing to grasp onto his imagine, longing for him not to fade away. Her eyes flew open and she found herself scrabbling in her bed of moss. Irked at her scattered composure, Midnight set aboit grooming scraps of moss free from her pelt before she would go face the pack. Midnight clenched her teeth in resolve, impudent of any looming threat a new Beta may pose.
It's noon.
The day of the Star Howl.
And it's time to hold the Beta Fights.~

Chapter Birch–Beta Fight!!!
Birch paced.And paced.Ns Paxed.And paced.And paced even more.
(No worries :))

Antler lengthened his stride just a tiny bit to match himself with Doe's londer legs. "It didn't think I would even try it - dumb squirrel" he scoffed. "Look,there's the rabbit just ahead" he woofed.

Doe glanced at the pump squirrel in Antler's jaws "I think it was to lazy to even try to move" she then looked at the small body lying ahead them and she trotted forward and scooped it up "We should be glad we were luckily enough to find it before something else did" she states a bit relieved that they were able to find it
Doe glanced at the pump squirrel in Antler's jaws "I think it was to lazy to even try to move" she then looked at the small body lying ahead them and she trotted forward and scooped it up "We should be glad we were luckily enough to find it before something else did" she states a bit relieved that they were able to find it

"Yeah, huh" Antler agreed, lowering his gaze slightly with embarrassment. "I would have fallen even farther behind you if I hadn't dropped it though" he woofed admiringly.
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Doe flicks her tail slightly "I suppose you would have, and we can't have that sort of hit to your pride now can we" she replies teasingly

"Nope. Never." Antler replied, in mock seriousness. He was happier than he'd been in a long time. A long moment of silence passed between the two. "Do you ever miss yyour mother?" He queried.
"Nope. Never." Antler replied, in mock seriousness. He was happier than he'd been in a long time. A long moment of silence passed between the two. "Do you ever miss yyour mother?" He queried.

Doe stopped, she was taken back by the sudden question. It took a long moment before she spoke "I don't remember her well but of course I miss her but if you think that makes me disloyal then you should take a look at how long I've stayed in Storm pack when I could have left at any moment" she states sharply, she knew most canines didn't trust her because of her past.
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Doe stopped, she was taken back by the sudden question. It took a long moment before she spoke "I don't remember her well but of course I miss her but if you think that makes me disloyal then you should take a look at how long I've stayed in Storm pack when I could have left at any moment" she states sharply, she knew most canines didn't trust her because of her past.

"Why would that make you disloyal?" He barked in shock. "My mother was a fighting dog. One of the most feared dogs ever to enter the pit, kept simply to entertain the notails, and I hate them for it." He paused, calming himself before he actually got mad. "My father saved me." He woofed, "after my mother lost a fight. The notails shot him - and her." He finished, his gaze fixed on the ground, his eyes glazing over. He snapped back to reality and shook himself hard. But that doesn't matter anymore" he growled, annoyed at himself for showing his only weakness. "Let's get back to camp"
~Midnight reached out a paw, longing to grasp onto his imagine, longing for him not to fade away. Her eyes flew open and she found herself scrabbling in her bed of moss. Irked at her scattered composure, Midnight set aboit grooming scraps of moss free from her pelt before she would go face the pack. Midnight clenched her teeth in resolve, impudent of any looming threat a new Beta may pose.
It's noon.
The day of the Star Howl.
And it's time to hold the Beta Fights~.
(Ima Wait For Everyone To Gather Up)
(River)~Midnight bounded atop of the Leader's Boulder, letting out a volley of snarls, proving this was an urgent matter. "Canines of River Pack!" she snarled, letting her voice resound through the forest. There was absolutely no doubt as to who truly reigned here. "It is time to hold the Beta Fights." No matter what my nagging thoughts may tell me.~

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