>~* A Howl At Midnight>~* A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY!

(Indeed. And now the pups should have their eyes open, right?)
~Blaze flicked his tail playfully as Hazel pounced on it, evoking a desire to attack their father's tail in both Smoke and Cinder.~
~Hazel growled in indignation as her father's tail bowled her over on her back, and sprang up immediately, yipping with resolve that she would indeed pin it down.~
Heather licked Blaze again as the two saw their three day old pups play.

Cinder tumbled onto Hazel, causing the two to lose grasp of the tail.

Smoke took advantage of that, and quickly leapt on his father's tail playfully, as if he pounced on a mouse.

(They're still three days old? Even with the universal timeskip?)
~Blaze rippled his tail across the dirt, yipping with laughter as Hazel clenched her tiny jaws down on it.~
(River)~Midnight bounded atop of the Leader's Boulder, letting out a volley of snarls, proving this was an urgent matter. "Canines of River Pack!" she snarled, letting her voice resound through the forest. There was absolutely no doubt as to who truly reigned here. "It is time to hold the Beta Fights." No matter what my nagging thoughts may tell me.~

~Apple's jaw could've fallen off of her face and rolled clear to Storm Pack territory. "After all this time," she mumbled, in complete shock, to Sierra. "I thought she was going to remain Betaless."~
~Windsong let out a long growl of satisfaction and pulled herself to her paws, concealed eagerness engulfing her as she prepared to watch a bunch of young upstarts scuffle. Finally, she's come to her senses. Out of any dog, I know too well that we don't live forever. Midnight can't wait any longer.~
Dawn joined the growing ring of dogs that surrounded the Leader's Rock, her tail wagging with excitement.
~Apple's jaw could've fallen off of her face and rolled clear to Storm Pack territory. "After all this time," she mumbled, in complete shock, to Sierra. "I thought she was going to remain Betaless."~
~Windsong let out a long growl of satisfaction and pulled herself to her paws, concealed eagerness engulfing her as she prepared to watch a bunch of young upstarts scuffle. Finally, she's come to her senses. Out of any dog, I know too well that we don't live forever. Midnight can't wait any longer.~
Sierra nodded slowly, hardly believing it. Her ice blue eyes grew wide with shock.
(They're still three days old? Even with the universal timeskip?)
~Blaze rippled his tail across the dirt, yipping with laughter as Hazel clenched her tiny jaws down on it.~
(I guess they can be a bit older.) Cinder and Smike had begun nipping each other, and were yipping playfully.

Opal laid in her den after a sleep, thinking to herself "Its not safe here. I know Flare will be back, he had killed other members of the pack before, who all seemed to be in love with him. And Jasper won't be at my side most of the time." Opal got up determinedly, to go tell the sad but in her eyes necessary news to Jasper. She could easily get food: she was an avid hunter, but Flare would kill her quickly. She yipped got Jasper's attention.
Coal laid in the river, the water flowing smoothly around her thick fur, combing through it gently. She watched as a fish swam right next to her, but ignored it. She wanted to be hungry for the Star Howl. She knew she almost everything better with the gnaw of hunger driving her instincts.
Dawn joined the growing ring of dogs that surrounded the Leader's Rock, her tail wagging with excitement.

~Apple's jaw could've fallen off of her face and rolled clear to Storm Pack territory. "After all this time," she mumbled, in complete shock, to Sierra. "I thought she was going to remain Betaless."~

~Windsong let out a long growl of satisfaction and pulled herself to her paws, concealed eagerness engulfing her as she prepared to watch a bunch of young upstarts scuffle. Finally, she's come to her senses. Out of any dog, I know too well that we don't live forever. Midnight can't wait any longer.~

Sierra nodded slowly, hardly believing it. Her ice blue eyes grew wide with shock. 

Chater Birch–Time To Kill, At Last
Birch growled deeply, her claws deep in dirt, her amber eyes glowing.

~"Canines," Midnight growled as her pack encircled the boulder, tail completely stiff. "It is long past due for me to hold these fights." Her amber eyes flicked with a knowledge these naive dogs did not know as her gaze rested unwittingly on Birch. She tore her gaze away and swallowed, defiant to looming destruction. "Step forward if you wish to fight. I will pair you up, then discuss the rules."~
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Sierra tried to shrink in a ball. It didn't work. "Why? WHY?" she screamed inside her head. "If I don't fight then the Pack will make fun of me." she thought. She looked at Apple, wondering what her friend was thinking.
Sierra tried to shrink in a ball. It didn't work. "Why? WHY?" she screamed inside her head. "If I don't fight then the Pack will make fun of me." she thought. She looked at Apple, wondering what her friend was thinking.

~Apple watched her distressed friend carefully. "What's wrong?" she woofed gently, bending down to make eye contact with the shivering she-dog. "If that's what you're upset about, I won't be fighting."~
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