^*^A New World^*^ (ROLEPLAY)

[COLOR=333333]Name: (First and last) Joshua Johes Age: (Between 15 and 18) 17 Gender: male Crush: None Personality: Shy, Sweet, kind,helpful, sometimes Bold,likes some girls History (Optional): Picture/Description:[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] Username:Little Peep Other:HE's SO CUTE! [/COLOR]
(Yes I know 'Not to many girls' but please I have a boy too!!!!)
(Yeah. It's okay, we've got a decent amount of boys for the number of girls there are so it's okay. I was meaning the whole 'Eye color, hair color, or height, to show that you read the rules' part. It's okay, though.)
(So accepted?)
(Yup, I will put them on the charrie page. :) )
(EVERYBODY We are starting!)

"Good evening students." A short brunette woman greeted. "Welcome to your special training." She smiled. "I am Ms. Santiago and I will be teaching you everything you need to know about this wonderful country of Creos. Any questions?" She looked around the room.

Maya sat up very straight in her seat. She was very nervous; she had just found a letter from 30 years ago. The worse part was that it was from somebody related to her somehow. After Ms. Santiago was done speaking, she relaxed a bit. Why doesn't she look like a zombie? She asked herself.

Sam sat slouched in her seat and twirled her long blonde hair. She hated this class. Sam got out a small piece of paper and wrote: Why are you so nervous? What happened? She sat forward and have it to Maya. They were best friends, but complete opposites. Sam liked getting into trouble and Maya never got into trouble.

Wes sat in the back of the room. He raised his hand. "I got one, why do we have to go to this dumb class anyway?" He smirked as the teacher tried to recover. "Uh… um… well, you are here to learn about how our Superiors fought for this country and how they want it to be led when they're gone." She nodded. "Any others, Mr. Langdon?" He shook his head and the teacher looked away.

Samir sat quietly in the second row drawing a rose. He drew whenever he was bored. Samir was a very quiet person, he never knew what to say when. He didn't pay much attention to the teacher and just kept drawing. The rose part was done and the stem was all that was left.
At Wes' question, Tessa let out a loud snort of laughter, half from sheer surprise, half from humor, collapsing into her chair. Logan, ever supportive of chaos, asked, "What if we don't care?"

Angelos, leaned back and blew away his bangs. They're all idiots.

Ana scribbled some song lyrics on her notebook: Listless eyes watch me as a follow my routine. The lack of emotion leaves me feeling unclean. The dark question falls softly like snow: Where did the ones I know go? She scowled. Yes, that was a very good question.

(Good Idea with the necklace!)

Name: (First and last) Elsa
Age: (Between 15 and 18) 16
Crush:Logan McLaughlin
History (Optional): Nothing much, just grew with a family and lives normal

Username:Little Peep
Other: Nothing other
(LOGAN: I'm a chick magnet.)
At Wes' question, Tessa let out a loud snort of laughter, half from sheer surprise, half from humor, collapsing into her chair. Logan, ever supportive of chaos, asked, "What if we don't care?"

Angelos, leaned back and blew away his bangs. They're all idiots.

Ana scribbled some song lyrics on her notebook: Listless eyes watch me as a follow my routine. The lack of emotion leaves me feeling unclean. The dark question falls softly like snow: Where did the ones I know go? She scowled. Yes, that was a very good question.


(LOGAN: I'm a chick magnet.)

(Luna: Whatever XD)
(LOGAN: Short story? I'm tall!)

Tessa, recovered from her outburst, came up grinning. Her eyes met Luna's and she let out another small, choked laugh.
(Luna: *Roles eyes*)

Luna was unable to hold back the small smile that formed on her lips as she looked at Tessa. But it soon disappeared with a slight frown replacing it- how could the other students be so happy?
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(Luna: *Roles eyes*)

Luna was unable to hold back the small smile that formed on her lips as she looked at Tessa. But it soon disappeared with a slight frown replacing it- how could the other students be so happy?
Tessa cocked her head at Luna's change in expression. She felt a compulsion to ask what was wrong, but realized it might be personal. Like her problem…

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