A Poll On Meat and Meatless Nights (Now with a bonus question)

#8 I eat some form of meat everyday. I think it is the amount of meat that people eat that can be a problem. When I eat meat, it may be anywhere between 2-8 oz depending on when and what I eat with it.
If I only eat carbs I feel horrible, tired all the time. And I am not going to eat beans or tofu all the time either although I eat those too.

One thing I don't eat though is ANY fat on my meat. I can't do it. Ewww so every little piece gets cut off. I typically won't eat any steak, I don't like the flavor and there is fat that runs through it.
I grind my own hamburger and love that. It is usually about 98 percent lean.

When I got my labs done my cholesterol was unbelievably good. Both HDL and LDL.
5, 6, 7, and trying to get myself to 10

Nice poll!
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A good healthy animal's fat will be healthy too, eating a little fat is actually good for a person. Better than adding cooking oil to the pan and frying up something, use the animal fats to fry your food for a more natural healthy diet.

There is something totally awesome about a little bit of fat on your steak coming off the BBQ! I'll fight the dog for that!
#5 & 6- I would like to have more natural foods. If I could raise my own meat I would. Not knowing where, when and how long it's been around is a little bothersome nowadays.
5. I want to eat less meat for health reasons
We eat meat at nearly every meal. We'd like to eat more salads and maybe eat meat as a main dish at only one meal. I want to eat more fish and less beef.
But, I want to incorporate #10!!!
10. I only eat meat I can grow myself or get from trusted private sources

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