A Support Thread For Those Of Us Living In An Egg-Free Zone

my flock at one of the few times there not hanging out in 3 separate places.
If i could get little rd to stop pick on cluck cluck we might gt eggs again -
but hopefully the grey's will lay soon -
anytime after 1 may is when there old enough.

I had a short egg-nino for 2 weeks a little while ago, am now getting 1-2 eggs a day. My ever reliable layers, the Dorkings, well one of them Squeak is one of the girls still giving me eggs, along with Sunny Welsummer who moulted early and is back on the job.

It's all a bit like No Eggs Anonymous. "My name is Teila and it's been 48 days since my last egg".
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Hhhhm, no, I do not think “fun” is a good description of hearing me sing

Sjturner79 gorgeous picture!

Hey K Spot Welcome to the zone!

Egg-Nino .. I love it!

I did think of opening with "My name is Teila and it's been 48 days since my last egg" but then I did not want to offend anyone with an addiction. BUT thinking about it some more, home laid eggs are an addiction and I think it is about time I fell off the wagon!
Hhhhm, no, I do not think “fun” is a good description of hearing me sing ;) Sjturner79 gorgeous picture! Hey K Spot Welcome to the zone! Egg-Nino .. I love it! I did think of opening with "My name is Teila and it's been 48 days since my last egg" but then I did not want to offend anyone with an addiction. BUT thinking about it some more, home laid eggs are an addiction and I think it is about time I fell off the wagon! :lau
Oh, dear, I hope that none of you are so unlucky as to break my record. I stopped counting at 90 days! I'm sticking to the thought that my drought (with 6 hens) was ONLY 90 days.

Every week I would go out to the coop with an egg box and chide the girls. It is completely embarrassing to go to the grocery to buy eggs while feeding and caring for laying hens. The grocery is a neighborhood place where absolutely everyone knows that I keep chickens. I started putting "spin" on my explanations which included (but was not limited to) the entertainment value of hens and how utterly relaxing it is to get up at 5 AM to bring feed, change water, let the hens out and clean the coop & run day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day....!
Don't worry @Steampunked , I have a Blue Wheaten Marans pullet going on nearly 6 months old yet to lay. I doubt I will see any eggs off her and the Barred Rock of a similar age until Spring

I'm convinced hatching chicks is best done coming into Autumn. I did 2 hatches at the start of April last year and all the pullets were laying by October.
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I acquired a Rhode Island Red (long story but she chose me) 2 months old. OK. Most of my chicken keeping friends brag that their RIRs lay at 4 - 6 months. Mine? EIGHT months plus, of course.

Therefore, be aware that every hen reaches puberty when her anatomy is ready. It doesn't matter what we do or how much we fuss or worry.

The wonder of it all is that when the hen lays that first egg is it a miracle. We savor the moment when we see that egg and hold it.

Chicken keeping at its best.

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