Acresofchickens, JerseyGiantfolk, and Disco Hens Chat Thread!

Oops. Sorry. I had to much fun giving the chickens bread. Then I gave the broody's bread and then the polish had 7 eggs and the dutch had 3 so i evened it out... :p
It's ok. Thankfully , we don't have the guineas residing in the laundry room any more, they have now graduated out to a friend's farm. This is unrelated to chickens and totally off topic, but they have a baby mini-donkey! He was born at 4:00 this morning, and boy is he cute! He is HUGE! It's a wonder he fit inside moma. She doesn't like his picture taken, either, she kept putting her head in there when we were getting pics! () ()
()_() (My terrible attempt at donkey ears!)
Haha SO CUTE!!

What's sad is that I've never seen a live animal being born. Except a chicken, and it wasn't even mine. :p
it's so sad!!!!
Well, i guess, technically, a chickn isn't born, it's hatched, but born, hatched, same difference, right? (Sorry, I just went nerdy on you!) It's sad for me, too. The people who keep my goat called me and told me to come over because one of thier goats was giving birth, and I got to see it, but I missed my own goat giving birth! (We didn't know she was preggers, and I think they didn't call, because the kid was stuck, and didn't want me to come over until it was over in case something bad happened.) (MAJOR run-one sentence there!)
Oooooops. Blonde moment. I missed my rabbit births too. It was during the school day, I went out to the hutch, saw a nest, wondered why it was there, and saw something move. I didn't even know my rabbit was pregnant! It was living with a boy all along O_O. Then I missed the second one 2 days later. Then after school I got home, and my mom and I were laughing so hard, because in that nest, we just kept pulling out babies! There were 11 ones from my checkered giant, and 6 from my minirex. IT was so funny! They were like aliens :p Then the checkered giant died the next morning :(/.

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