Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest Series—Mister BYC Beauty Pageant

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Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The judges have finished judging, and we have our winners!
@RT Goth Barn, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @CCsGarden, @Poultrybonkers, @Perris, @fowltemptress, @WhiteTreeOfGondor, @Evadig, & @NevadaEmma

Landfowl Winners
@RT Goth Barn

@Fluster Cluck Acres




Waterfowl Winners





@RT Goth Barn, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @CCsGarden, @Poultrybonkers, @Perris, @fowltemptress, @WhiteTreeOfGondor, @Evadig, & @NevadaEmma, I will send you instructions on how to claim your prizes momentarily!

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated, this wouldn't have been possible without all of your entries!!!!



Great job everyone, this was so much fun!!

~ Shout out to all of the judges who took the time to judge all of the contests. I know they were incredibly difficult to judge and I appreciate all of you! ~

And THANK YOU to our BYC Sponsors (click to view & support them).
Congratulations everyone! Such handsome boys! :love
Thanks everyone! I do love my boys but this contest has given me some serious... cockerel-envy! So many handsome dudes and skilled photographers!
The picture of Cypriano that won looks like he is mean and not calm but he is so friendly I can just go and sit right by him and groom him😄🙂
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Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The judges have finished judging, and we have our winners!
@RT Goth Barn, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @CCsGarden, @Poultrybonkers, @Perris, @fowltemptress, @WhiteTreeOfGondor, @Evadig, & @NevadaEmma

Landfowl Winners
@RT Goth Barn

@Fluster Cluck Acres




Waterfowl Winners





@RT Goth Barn, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @CCsGarden, @Poultrybonkers, @Perris, @fowltemptress, @WhiteTreeOfGondor, @Evadig, & @NevadaEmma, I will send you instructions on how to claim your prizes momentarily!

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated, this wouldn't have been possible without all of your entries!!!!



Great job everyone, this was so much fun!!

~ Shout out to all of the judges who took the time to judge all of the contests. I know they were incredibly difficult to judge and I appreciate all of you! ~

And THANK YOU to our BYC Sponsors (click to view & support them).
Congrats 🎉🎈🎊
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Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for! The judges have finished judging, and we have our winners!
@RT Goth Barn, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @CCsGarden, @Poultrybonkers, @Perris, @fowltemptress, @WhiteTreeOfGondor, @Evadig, & @NevadaEmma

Landfowl Winners
@RT Goth Barn

@Fluster Cluck Acres




Waterfowl Winners





@RT Goth Barn, @Fluster Cluck Acres, @CCsGarden, @Poultrybonkers, @Perris, @fowltemptress, @WhiteTreeOfGondor, @Evadig, & @NevadaEmma, I will send you instructions on how to claim your prizes momentarily!

A HUGE THANK YOU to all who participated, this wouldn't have been possible without all of your entries!!!!



Great job everyone, this was so much fun!!

~ Shout out to all of the judges who took the time to judge all of the contests. I know they were incredibly difficult to judge and I appreciate all of you! ~

And THANK YOU to our BYC Sponsors (click to view & support them).
Omg, crying! Thank you so much! So excited to tell Chicky he is a winner in the morning!!!! 😍😍😍

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