Acresofchickens, JerseyGiantfolk, and Disco Hens Chat Thread!

:O If she is CONGRATS!!! Get pics :p I'll get some.
Thanks, I hope she is!
Yes, We NEED pictures, especially of goats! :) Congrats! When Carmen has her babies, we need picutres then, too! ;)
I can't get pictures for awhile, because i'm t my dads, and the goats are at at moms. But when I go she her again, I will get pictures for sure! Also, we are not sure if she is pregnant, but are hoping she is!
You sure had CUTE goats! Makes me want pigmys!
They are great pets!
No, I'll be off for the week, there sin't e-net there, unfortunatly. K, talk to ya in 5! Tell your rabbits hi for me!
I'll be gone for awhile also, I am going to thing fair for like, 3 weeks, will be in and out
Oooooops. Blonde moment. I missed my rabbit births too. It was during the school day, I went out to the hutch, saw a nest, wondered why it was there, and saw something move. I didn't even know my rabbit was pregnant! It was living with a boy all along O_O. Then I missed the second one 2 days later. Then after school I got home, and my mom and I were laughing so hard, because in that nest, we just kept pulling out babies! There were 11 ones from my checkered giant, and 6 from my minirex. IT was so funny! They were like aliens :p Then the checkered giant died the next morning :(/.
That sucks! But the baby rabbits must have been cute! And i'm sorry about your loss!
Awwww, I'm sorry, it's sad when they die. My dad would have a cow if we had 16 babies at once! :D
X2! Thats a lot of baby cows!

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