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Nervously enough she began to tell her dad about what happened until they heard a gaspingly voice from a distance. Joleen paused to see if she could hear it hoping it would be Ming. After a long pause the faintly sound grew closer but more weakly sounding. Joleen and her dad ran toward the sound they paused a moment at what they found was......
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They found Ming was all beat up he was ok just a few cuts and bruises nothing that won't heal. They immediatly went to Ming's side. "Are you ok?" Joleen asked. Joleen and her dad rushed Ming in to get him cleaned up. Joleen thought to herself thank god hes ok just bruised up. Once Ming was cleaned up he asked for some water and something to eat Joleen went to the kitchen to fix him dinner. While dad stayed with him to hear the story.
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''I got home OK, but as I was walking, there was this girl, and I was just looking at her, for, like, you know, a second, and I fell in a ditch, which was umm, full of glass, so,'' panted Ming. ''Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...'' went Jolee and her dad.
"She was on her way home. She was fine, a little shook up, but fine." Ming told them both. Joseph, Joleen's father said, "Well, maybe we should call her house to make sure she has arrived safe and sound. Joleen get me the phone please." Joleen nodded as she got up to do as he said. She hoped she was alright. As she reached for the cordless, she noticed her hand was trembling. She paused in her movements, made a fist with their hand and opened it again to steady her nerves.
Coming back to herself, she grabbed the phone and headed back over to her brother and father. Joseph took the phone from Joleen and entered in Aria's home number. Joleen waited as she heard the phone ring. But that was all it was, an unanswered call. Her heart dropped into her stomach.
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''Where could she be?'' asked Ming. Then they all heard the doorbell ring. Jolee jumped up. ''I'll get it!'' But when she opened the door, no one was there.
Joleen was stepping back to close the door, when she noticed a small box on the porch. Confused, she leaned over to pick it up. But something about it seemed wrong, so she halted in the movement. "Dad! I think you need to see this." She called to her father. Joseph called back to her, "Who is it, Joleen?" Joleen just stared at the box, like it would move away if she didn't. She finally gathered herself enough to say, "It's not a who, but a what." That must have got his interest, because she hear his footfall coming to the front door.
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