Adding Delawares does it ever end??????


9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
Bushnell, FL.
HOOKED HOOKED....I just placed an order with McMurrays for 26 delaware day old hens but that will be in June. I want to hatch red stars so I'll pair these up with either one of my RIR or New Hampshire roos. I already have Partridge Cochins, EEs, New Hampshires, and RIR .....I would say chickens are addictive wouldn't you?
Afflicktion, addiction, it's all the same. 25 Heritage Dels, 25 Heritage RIRs coming in March 2011. Adding to mixed flock of 26 Barred and Buff Rocks. Coop Condos, no mixing of breeds.
Never slight your chickens. Nothing wrong with hatchery chicks, just that I am getting older and don't have time to refine the lines. I will be trying a little breeding project since I have barred rocks and will be getting RIRs. The Grandson has some real interest so maybe he will keep going when I'm gone, of course his Mom will keep him interested. Hatchery chicks are what get alot of folks into chickens. ''BE HAPPY IN YOUR WORK''

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