Adopted hens not laying??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 26, 2007
Heber City, UT
I have inherited a few hens a couple of weeks ago and one of them is not laying eggs. I was told this hen is only two years old. I'm not sure what breed it is yet. It's a large white fluffy hen. I was told she would lay big brown eggs and we haven't gotten any from her yet. Is it possible that they got into shock of some sort when they get moved and don't lay?
If it's only been a couple weeks, I wouldn't worry too much. The move may have upset her and that may explain it... or it could even be the weather. I don't know what it's been like where you are, but here it went straight from spring to the dog days of summer within a week. Every one of my hens stopped laying for a couple days and just today I finally got an egg from every one of my hens (It's been almost a month!)

Watch her to make sure it isn't something more serious, but I'd bet that it's nothing to worry about.


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