ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

Correct !! Now i had trouble with my 10 week old RIR's getting caught outside with the door
shut many times. The problem was immediately resolved by making a program change
to close the door later and i turned on last call in programming.
Since i have done those 2 things, there has not been one single time that i have went out
to check on them in the evening and found anyone locked outside. The ador has worked flawlessly
every single time. Its direct drive and operates on a cheap 6v lantern battery.
I see no down side to this door. You just need to option the programming / hardware for your specific needs.

"DELAY ON OPEN (DOO) and DELAY ON SHUT (DOS): These are future features. The ADOR is not primarily designed to be used with a clock timer, but it can be. Clock timers do not change with the seasons and need to have power backup. But DOO and DOS are relative delay times that operate off of detection of the events of SUNRISE and SUNSET. Please look for announcements for the availability of new features on the website. The board can be mailed in for upgrades (please contact us for details).
USING A CLOCKTIMER: You can buy the external photosensor and enclose it with a small light bulb (like $1 night light) plugged into a simple clocktimer run off house electricity.
MANUAL SWITCH: If you just want to be able to manually command the door open or closed remotely, you can buy the EXTERNAL CONNECTOR option and run the wires to an ON/OFF switch. A plain light switch from the hardware store will do. Plug it where the external photosensor plugs in. Switch OFF = NIGHT or SHUT. Switch ON= DAY or OPEN. CUSTOMER PROGRAMMING"

This is from website instructions, the door works great but the programming is a little confusing if you want to change it..but sounds like you can put it on your own timer with a nightlight (your timer would turn the "nightlight" on and off, triggering the sensor).

Ah HA! Thanks... sounds a little messy, to be honest. LOL. I just now read in some article where the pullet-shut has a little-known 90 minute delay you can program into its photo cycle so I just emailed them to see if that was true. If it is, that would be perfect.
Does anyone want an Ador that is not working? I can't get the door to go up and down, it seems like the motor is running but not doing anything. $100 ?
Sounds like it sheared off the key that holds the gear to the motor shaft or a set screw is loose. Im sure
if you send it back to him , he will make it right. His customer service is outstanding.
Sounds like it sheared off the key that holds the gear to the motor shaft or a set screw is loose. Im sure
if you send it back to him , he will make it right. His customer service is outstanding.
I agree. I've heard nothing but good things about his customer service.
I never heard of this door until I saw it this month in Backyard Poultry. I had to laugh when they said it is the most affordable & then saw it's $199. What the heck do the others cost? Coops, Kennels & doors have become really overpriced since the chicken craze started in 2008.
USING A CLOCKTIMER: You can buy the external photosensor and enclose it with a small light bulb (like $1 night light) plugged into a simple clocktimer run off house electricity."

Not exactly. I had my husband install a nice 40w light fixture directly beside the remote sensor so I could control the time. It was on a timer. Never had any influence at all on when the door opened or closed. The door does it's own thing. After many months of struggle it seems to have settled into a routine we all can live with. Closed in the middle of the day last week for no reason but to remind me not to get too comfortable. When I leave town I always have someone check after dark to make sure all the girls got in. Usually it's a 60/30 chance they did.

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