ADOR1 Automatic Coop Door?

Okay, before I call them, has anyone else on here had trouble with their door not opening in the mornings? So far mine hasn't opened on its own yet. The first day, I needed to leave home before sun up, so I pushed the button to manually open it. The second day, I went out at 5:30am to give them their breakfast treats and found the door still closed but the birds awake and wanting to get out of the coop, so I had to open it manually again. This morning I waited until 5:55am before I finally had to push the button. It was very light out, the sun already beginning to make its way over the horizon. I thought the door was supposed to open at the first hint of daylight...not wait until the sun was actually in the sky??? I was under the impression you could adjust the opening and closing times but when I read the programming page that came with the door, the only option for getting the door to open earlier ALSO makes the door close later. My birds are early to bed, early to rise. They put themselves to bed around 7:30pm each night but the door already doesn't close until after 8pm. I certainly wouldn't want it to stay open even later than that. I have to admit I'm more than just a bit disappointed.
Okay, before I call them, has anyone else on here had trouble with their door not opening in the mornings?  So far mine hasn't opened on its own yet.  The first day, I needed to leave home before sun up, so I pushed the button to manually open it.  The second day, I went out at 5:30am to give them their breakfast treats and found the door still closed but the birds awake and wanting to get out of the coop, so I had to open it manually again.  This morning I waited until 5:55am before I finally had to push the button.  It was very light out, the sun already beginning to make its way over the horizon.  I thought the door was supposed to open at the first hint of daylight...not wait until the sun was actually in the sky???  I was under the impression you could adjust the opening and closing times but when I read the programming page that came with the door, the only option for getting the door to open earlier ALSO makes the door close later.  My birds are early to bed, early to rise.  They put themselves to bed around 7:30pm each night but the door already doesn't close until after 8pm.  I certainly wouldn't want it to stay open even later than that. I have to admit I'm more than just a bit disappointed.

Could it be that you are accidentally putting the door on manual mode? I did that once in the very beginning. I don't remember now what the sequence was for setting manual or automatic because I don't adjust mine, I find the open and close times to be perfect. My chickens go to bed at about 7:30 pm as well and the door doesn't shut until shortly after 8 pm, which is fine with me. It opens just after 5 am and that is just after the sun rises. The chickens are awake inside but not disparate to get outside before it opens so it isn't a problem for us.

If you are having an issue, it's best to call Rod, he is very helpful and should be able to resolve any issues you are having.
I know it wasn't in manual mode until yesterday morning because it did close by itself the night before that. Because it seemed to want to keep closing after I pushed the button to open it, I decided to hold down the button while it opened all the way to disable the auto feature and make sure it didn't close back up. I checked last night to make sure it was reset to automatic mode (per the instructions from ADOR) and it still didn't open this morning. I leave for work around 6am most mornings and I need to know that the door is open before I leave which is why I've been opening it myself the last couple of days. However, I am off work on Friday and I don't have to be anywhere before 9am so I can afford to just sit out there and see exactly what time it opens on its own (if it will). If it doesn't, I think I will disconnect the battery, reconnect it, and try it fresh like it just came out of the box. Finally, if that doesn't work I'll call Rod. I called him once before to check on my shipment date and he seems like a VERY busy man. I don't want to call him until I've exhausted all of the other possible fixes.
We had ours mixed up in the beginning too, but all we had to do was cycle it up and down once and then leave it in the correct position for that time of day. If all else fails disconnect the battery and start over. Our mistake was holding in the button, just press it and let go and it will respond.
Okay, before I call them, has anyone else on here had trouble with their door not opening in the mornings?  So far mine hasn't opened on its own yet.  The first day, I needed to leave home before sun up, so I pushed the button to manually open it.  The second day, I went out at 5:30am to give them their breakfast treats and found the door still closed but the birds awake and wanting to get out of the coop, so I had to open it manually again.  This morning I waited until 5:55am before I finally had to push the button.  It was very light out, the sun already beginning to make its way over the horizon.  I thought the door was supposed to open at the first hint of daylight...not wait until the sun was actually in the sky???  I was under the impression you could adjust the opening and closing times but when I read the programming page that came with the door, the only option for getting the door to open earlier ALSO makes the door close later.  My birds are early to bed, early to rise.  They put themselves to bed around 7:30pm each night but the door already doesn't close until after 8pm.  I certainly wouldn't want it to stay open even later than that. I have to admit I'm more than just a bit disappointed.

My door doesn't open until after sunrise and that's what it has been doing since I installed it. I never changed the settings so they are the default factory settings. I think if you wait it out until after 6 AM, maybe even closer to 6:30 AM, I believe you will see that it will open on its own. I'm much farther north than you, in Nova Scotia, and mine doesn't open until almost 6:30 AM some days, especially if it's a bit overcast.
BTW, my door did open on its own this morning and closed on its own last night. Last night, I went out to check on the gang around 7:45pm and they were all inside, settling down for the night but the door was still open. I decided to just let it be and went back out at 8:15pm (almost complete dark) to check and it was closed. So, sometime within that 30 minute window it closed. This morning I was running a bit behind and didn't get out to the coop until about 6am with their morning breakfast treat tray. The door was open. (Hurray!) Yesterday at 5:50am it wasn't so I'm guessing just that extra 5-10 minutes of increasing daylight must have been what it needed. I'm so glad. I can breathe a bit easier now should I need to leave home earlier or come home later and know that the door is doing it's job.
Does anyone know how the Ador1 reacts to shade? Our run is 6 feet tall and the top is netted, however, we have a tarp on one end of the run to give the chickens some shade. The tarp is not directly over where the door would be installed, but does slightly block some sunlight to it. Is the door so sensitive that it will affect the door opening and closing? That is one of the factors I will consider before purchasing the Ador1. Any help/input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sorry for the late response. My door has shade for most of the day and a roof near it as well. It works just fine.

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