Advice for new duck mom?


Free Ranging
Feb 10, 2021
Kalamazoo, MI
In less than a week I'm bringing home 2 pekin ducklings and I'm pretty new to the whole raising poultry. I have a brooder set up and everything ready to go to my knowledge. Any advice to make my experience go smoothly would be much appreciated to even some tips and tricks you would love to share. Just trying to get a broader perspective and better idea of what I can do.
Take lots of photos because they'll grow into adults so quickly. Then you'll wish you had more baby photos! 😉

Maybe you could post a photo of your brooder set up, and tell us what you plan on feeding them. Then we can tell you if we've had particular success or challenges with that type of set up/food.
My set up I have right now is a 30 gallon plastic container with straw and some shelf liner by the water bowl so they don't slip. Planned on getting some food this week but wasn't sure yet what I wanted to get. What tractor supply has is called Purina Duck Pellets. Don't know if I should give them something more broad or what
My set up I have right now is a 30 gallon plastic container with straw and some shelf liner by the water bowl so they don't slip. Planned on getting some food this week but wasn't sure yet what I wanted to get. What tractor supply has is called Purina Duck Pellets. Don't know if I should give them something more broad or what
I have heard from other members that Purina duck pellets don't have enough B vitamins for pekin ducklings, and that the Mazuri waterfowl starter does. So when feeding Purina to ducklings you'll need to supplement.

I don't actually have experience with Purina duck pellets, or raising pekins, that is just what I've heard so hopefully more experienced members with that food and breed can clarify. You might want to search BYC for pekin ducklings and B vitamins, too.

I only had ducklings once, but I gave them ample space with a cool side and a warm side. I also made sure their water bowl had a lid with only a hole in it. That way their entire head could be dipped but they couldn't get their bodies in.
I have heard from other members that Purina duck pellets don't have enough B vitamins for pekin ducklings, and that the Mazuri waterfowl starter does. So when feeding Purina to ducklings you'll need to supplement.

I don't actually have experience with Purina duck pellets, or raising pekins, that is just what I've heard so hopefully more experienced members with that food and breed can clarify. You might want to search BYC for pekin ducklings and B vitamins, too.

I only had ducklings once, but I gave them ample space with a cool side and a warm side. I also made sure their water bowl had a lid with only a hole in it. That way their entire head could be dipped but they couldn't get their bodies in.
I will definitely have look into that water bowl lid idea. And I'll see if I can't find some of that Mazuri or something else similar to it

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