Advice Needed - Silver Laced Crested Polish


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 29, 2013
He all,
I have a bunch of awesome silver laced polish.
I have never had much trouble telling hens from roos
but these guys - well im having trouble
any tips on this breed
birds are ... 6 weeks old
Girls crest are more rounded and even, where's the cockerels tend to have all over the place crest. Here's pics of my boy and girl gold lace polish




Hi...I just got one too in the San Diego area. Here is a pic of mine...5 weeks. I have had a few different opinions but the last 4 have said pullet. So I am hoping that's the way it goes. It has no color around the comb area so it makes it so hard to sex this type. Everyone is going by their poof...the more mohawky..a boy...the more rounded puffy mushroom look...a girl. If you find out any good advice on figuring this out let me know..THANKS!!!

coool bird
is that a spangled?

these guys are hard to figure out

they are funny
remind me behaviorally of leghorn
they are always worried about something


Im hoping some kind person gives me some guesses on my pictures
I think mine is also a silver laced polish like yours. I will keep a watch on what people say about yours and maybe can figure mine out too. You have a lot of gorgeous birds!!! How fun. Yes, they are wacky and wild always jumping in my lap. So funny
He all,
I have a bunch of awesome silver laced polish.
I have never had much trouble telling hens from roos
but these guys - well im having trouble
any tips on this breed 
birds are ... 6 weeks old

Here is a pic of my roo. I don't have any pics of him when he was younger but he looked just like all the pics posted above. Good luck!

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