After the hawk attack


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 25, 2011
Waller & Grimes County Texas
I saved my Buff Orpington from a hawk yesterday (thread on predators board). I checked her all over for injuries and cannot find anything other than a few missing feathers that were on the ground. This morning she is totally not acting like herself. She's walking slowly behind the others and just standing around not scratching, etc. For lack of a better way to describe it she appears to be really sleepy/drugged. She's not stumbling just really "dull".

Do chickens go in to shock after such an incident? Is there anything special I should be doing for her? Thank you.
I had the same thing happen to a cockerel the other day. No punctures or wounds anywhere. As far as them going into shock for that long I don't know, I guess it's possible. But I do know that with my cockerel his legs and/or spine was injured by the hit. Either from when the hawk "pounced" on him it jammed his legs into the ground, he got dropped, or spinal damage was done. Anyway my guy took a few days to get walking again. I wonder if your bird also has some sort if injury that you can't see that's not severe enough to cause him to limp or not to walk and he's in pain. I work for a vet and she gave him a SubQ injection of dexamethazone (steroid) which helped immensely. That and I have him isolated do he can't overdo it.
I scared a hawk off of one of my girls the other day. She did have some talan wounds and is also acting a little bit slower then normal.....this was on thursday
What I have been doing is feeding her and her freinds electrilytes in their water once every other day. A snack of yogurt or oatmeal with milk in the morning. And a little extra scratch to give them extra calories.
Thank you roxyblue! I give them yogurt and/or oatmeal pretty much every day...I'll step it up. I did not think to add electrolytes. Thank you so much for the suggestion! They're all tucked in for the night. She was still moving slow this afternoon/evening. I was encouraged to finally see her filling her crop (albeit slowly) late this afternoon. So hope she feels better tomorrow.

PS I don't mean to keep bumping this thread but it's my nature to thank you all that replied...very appreciative. If I'm breaking a rule please let me know.
I had a hawk almost get one of my hens and after she was acting weird like you described. When I picked her up her eyes were dilating strangely also she was walking funny like she had cramps or something, I think it was just a bit of shock. This happened right before bedtime and by the morning she was fine. I think its probly just a normal reaction, hopefully your bird will be just fine with a bit of time, goodluck!
PS I don't mean to keep bumping this thread but it's my nature to thank you all that replied...very appreciative. If I'm breaking a rule please let me know.

you havn't been bumping it! it's when you post twice in a row.....from what I can see you havn't done that. Plus this is your girl we are talking about and I personally don't care if you bump....just the moderators. (and I am sure it's just so things don't get out of hand.)

Hawks are everywere were I live as of a week the girls have been very scared the past few days. I feel so bad that a hawk attacked them....and I'm hopeing the best for both of our girls.​

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