Age of Crowing Roosters


9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
At what age on average do roosters begin to crow?
Well, I've had roosters that started crowing around 12 weeks, and some that started crowing at 16 or 17 weeks, and some even later. I think if you have a dominant rooster, and you add younger roosters to the flock, the younger ones will be more hesitant to crow and start later.

But I did have one bantam cochin that started at 5 weeks in the brooder box in my computer room. It was the cutest little squeaky crow, and it took me a minute to figure out that it was really a crow at all. It was my favorite sound that week!
I had 1 that started crowing at 5 weeks! I had to post it on you was too funny! I also have 1 that just started this week and he's 16 weeks old. I guess it just depends on the roo.
I have a five week old supposed to be pullet, that is "crowing" but no noise comes out? It is really strange, he makes the action with his mouth and neck, but not a sound???? is that strange?
Ours did that too. Then for weeks, he made all sorts of funny moaning sounds before he actually crowed at about 9 or 10 weeks, i think it was. It's like they are winding themselves up before they can let out a proper crow.
I have BCM's that are 12 weeks old and one has started crowing.
I took my coffee out and waited yesterday morning to see who was doing it.
It was the one I was sure was a roo, does that mean the other 2 I thought were roo's that haven't started to crow are pullets I wonder. They are from the same hatch.
Ya, the one I think may crow doesnt make sound. He is the smallest of them, but he stands TALL and really struts his stuff. He stretches his neck and sticks out his chest. He goes around taking things from the others as soon as they pick something up.. I have a feeling but because he is smaller wasnt quite sure.. Are there any other tell tale signs. I dont know how to sex them officially....

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