AH HA! Boiled eggs just got easier to peel!


11 Years
Dec 31, 2008
Sweet Home Alabama
DON'T refrigerate the eggs you intend to boil. Room temp for 5-6 days and they peel SO easy!!!
The refrigerate or not seems to be one of those great debates. They will last alot longer refrigerated but ,no, they do not have to be. I know they last more than a week un-refrigerated but not sure exactly how long. Anybody?

I do know this, they peel as easy as any store bought egg when boiled!
There's another post on here somewhere about a wonderful method that really does work. Boil the water first and then gently set the eggs in (I use a ladle). Boil chicken eggs for about 14-16 minutes and quail eggs 10-12. Drain the water and add cold water; drain and repeat with the cold water. Some use ice but I just use regular tap water. Once cooled, the shells come right off. It is helpful to let the eggs come to room temp before you put them in the pot because some will crack. This works on extremely fresh eggs too - I've taken them right from under the hen into the pot and can still peel them.

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