Air bump on my Charley..Have you ever seen that???


6 Years
Nov 7, 2015
Southern Pines NC
This is a bump underneath the skin between the neck and the wing....Seems like air filled..Have no clue of what it is..
What am I supposed to do with that??
I don't fill any fluid in it at all.
Could it come from this morning calcium EDTA subQ shot?
Thank you
Wooa..that is a more serious condition than what I thought!...He's already on the mend for not being able to walk....That is certainly the way he ruptured his air sac...When he tries to walk he falls...I believe it's orthopedic related, or maybe lead poisoning..We are waiting for the result...Could be also mareks disease, but I'd be surprised as he doesn't show any other symptoms...He really seems to want to live..He eats like crazy and gets mad when we don't give him what he wants...but he's accumulating the issues, and I've been trying to rehab. him for 3 weeks now!...
So hard...
Thank you Kathy


You might want to get a kitchen scale and start weighing him every morning. Any loss or lack of gain might be a helpful diagnostic tool.

I am hoping someone can help me. I have a hatch of new silkies 5 days old. Their poop looks weird. Is it natural to look like this?
Yes. It's an air sac, which may or may not be ruptured. It's part of the respiratory system of a chicken. It shouldn't be from the shot unless you went horribly awry with the injection. If it is indeed ruptured the whole area will puff up like a balloon. I wouldn't mess with it unless that happens. And if it does happen you will not be able to miss it. It's very obvious.
If it is ruptured then you will need to bleed off the extra air from under the skin. I HATE having to do that because I have never successfully saved a bird that had an air sac rupture. One survived for over about 4 months, but the other only made it a week. Air sac ruptures tend to be fatal because they take a long time to heal and you need to keep the bird so still in the meantime. AIr sac ruptures usually happen when a bird has had a really hard knock to their sacs- one of mine got it during shipping as a chick and one was attacked (badly) by a dog.
Excellent. It was probably just more obvious than usual because the bird was a little stressed from the injection. They tend to breathe heavier when under stress and the sacs stand out more.

Good luck.
Wooa..that is a more serious condition than what I thought!...He's already on the mend for not being able to walk....That is certainly the way he ruptured his air sac...When he tries to walk he falls...I believe it's orthopedic related, or maybe lead poisoning..We are waiting for the result...Could be also mareks disease, but I'd be surprised as he doesn't show any other symptoms...He really seems to want to live..He eats like crazy and gets mad when we don't give him what he wants...but he's accumulating the issues, and I've been trying to rehab. him for 3 weeks now!...
So hard...
Thank you Kathy


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