That is a big turkey! Good looking too.

We bought a little 10 pounder. Stupid thing didn't thaw out right (in the fridge since Sunday, you'd think that was enough... but no). So the whole thing was cooked except for the thighs
Never trust the little popup thingy. Couldn't find my digital thermometer anywhere though.

No complaints from them though.
Thanks, i hope it ends up tasty and good looking.

It looks good, I didn't hear any complaints, and they look happy with it.
I had to buy another digital thermometer as well. I hide them from myself apparently.

I used to make yogurt and used it for that.. but now my kiddo isn't allowed to have dairy I haven't used it in about 6 months...... so yeah, who knows where it is?

It was one I still had from working in a restaurant.

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