best part about turkey is all the secondary meals you can make out of it. i take the carcass (the body, wings) and boil that for a few hours. taking the time to pull all the extra meat off after about an hour of cooking then letting all the bones and skin ooze out their awesomeness. then we make a turkey barley soup the next day. it's funny, when you pull that turkey stock out of the fridge the next day it has set up as thick as Jello. anyways.... sauteed carrots, onions, mushrooms in a side pan, put that in with the turkey stock. put all the extra meat back in. put about 3/4 of a box of instant barley in there. little parsley. salt, pepper, garlic powder... whatever else you want. boom, a HUGE pot of soup.

then you have all the leg and thigh meat (that no one wants to eat on thanksgiving). i pull all that meat off and it goes into a killer turkey pot pie. i LOVE me some turkey day (turkey WEEK when done properly)

side note: if you let your turkey cook until that thing pops out, you ruined your turkey. pull it out when the breast meat hits 160-165 (i lean on the 165 side). technically, the thighs won't be fully cooked, but those go in the pot pie for more cooking anyways!
Nuttin' better than a big ol' pot of turkey vegetable soup!!


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