I wouldn't recomend keeping ducks and chickens together
1. because most chickens are bigger than mallards
2. the chickens can peck and kill the ducks ( i know because it happen to me)
3. Ducks need more water than chickens and the ducks make a bigger mess with it

I have read this before, but my experience has been the opposite. The ducks are the bullies to the chickens. Not sure if it is just these two ducks though, but the ducks are always chasing the chickens off.
Does anyone know what this plant is?
They grow about 8' tall, reddish stalk, white flowers that turn to berries that look like blueberries but smaller.
I need to know if it's ok for the birds to nibble at.
They seem to be growing all over the pasture. I'm just south of Huntsville. THANKS

I believe the plant is called pokeweed. Don't know much about them except the berries stains.
Yes, that is Poke Weed. The leaves are poisonous but if prepared just right, tastes like turnip greens and is usually made with scrambled eggs. Orps is right, the berries stain terribly, but I don't know if they will harm the chickens.
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Yup pokeweed, the young shoots are used to make poke salad. The berries won't hurt the birds. You ( nor dogs, not sure about stock) don't want to consume the older growth, it's poisonous .

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