All about garden herbs

Many mints are good for herbal teas or to flavor ice-water. I've often brewed green tea with a sprig of some type of mint (peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm) to vary the flavor. Also, many have medicinal value. Just search for "<mint-name> medicinal" or "<mint-name> herbal" to find out where they might help.

Also, a bit of trivia... Roughly half of the commonly known herbs are actually in the mint family- oregano, basil, thyme, sage, rosemary, etc... And yes, they have herbal benefits as well.
Many mints are good for herbal teas or to flavor ice-water. I've often brewed green tea with a sprig of some type of mint (peppermint, spearmint, lemon balm) to vary the flavor. Also, many have medicinal value. Just search for "<mint-name> medicinal" or "<mint-name> herbal" to find out where they might help.

Also, a bit of trivia... Roughly half of the commonly known herbs are actually in the mint family- oregano, basil, thyme, sage, rosemary, etc... And yes, they have herbal benefits as well.
My favorite tea is the Zen made by Tazo. It's a mix of spearmint and lemon verbena with green tea. So delicious! 😍
I ended up growing quite a bit of mint...I've dried several handfuls that I put in the chicken run but only thing I've really used it for otherwise has been in cucumber mint water which was delish and very refreshing during hot summer days! But not sure what else to do with it all!
Any suggestions?

I make tisane and also crush some dry mint (and nettle) and mix it with chicken mesh (especially in winter).
Apart from making herbal infusions, mint green tea, and putting some in the coop, I sometimes use it for cooking. For example, I make a dip with our equivalent of cottage cheese, crushed garlic, olive oil or tahini and some very finely crushed mint leaves ; I also put some in a tomato based curry sauce. And in pannacottas or chocolate pie for desserts.
Apart from making herbal infusions, mint green tea, and putting some in the coop, I sometimes use it for cooking. For example, I make a dip with our equivalent of cottage cheese, crushed garlic, olive oil or tahini and some very finely crushed mint leaves ; I also put some in a tomato based curry sauce. And in pannacottas or chocolate pie for desserts.
I saw a recipe this evening that looked really good. They infused some basil in olive oil, put it on a sliced baguette with some seasoning. Looked absolutely delicious.
I grow basil, oregano (came back from last year), sage, lavender, rosemary and thyme. I did absolutely nothing with any of it this year 🤣 Oh wait, I did air dry some of the sage.
In years past I’ve dried the basil and the oregano (oven method).
I also have mint that I grow around the perimeter of the chicken yard. It supposedly help’s deter critters from crossing the fence boundaries
Sage, lavender, Rosemary and thyme were all new to me this year. I started them from seed. I got 3 or 4 sage plants. Only 1 lavender, 1 thyme and 1 Rosemary plant. I’m hoping that they will over winter and come back next Spring 🤞🙏
I tried to start several other herbs from seed this past Spring but didn’t have any luck.
Does basil not like the cold?
Does anyone have it come back on its own the following year? Or do yall replant each year?
Basil does not like cold. I believe you are supposed to bring it indoors if you keep it through winter.

I took cuttings from mine to propagate. Supposedly seeding produces different plants from the parent, I think. I may be remembering a different herb...

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