All my fowl sneezing! Anyone know what it is?

Finding a vet would be your best bet or sending your sickest birds to your state lab for testing/necropsy would be a good idea.

You may want to separate all the sick birds or the ones showing symptoms. This way you can give them supportive care. I'm not an expert on meds for turkeys or ducks, and to be honest I don't know what can be given to them. Thick mucous sounds like respiratory illness, but you are only seeing sneezing(?)

For chickens that have respiratory illness - sneezing, mucous from the nostrils and runny eyes, you can give injectable Tylan50 at 1cc per 5lbs. This can be given orally or by injection.
Antibiotics will only help with any secondary infections, so without the mucous/runny eyes, facial swelling, wet sounding breathing, it may not help, but may be worth a try.

Of course of vet can give you the right meds for all, I'm sure that some meds can be used in all fowl, but I just don't know enough to comforatably recommend something like Tylan for ducks and turkeys. The folks on the duck and turkey forums may know.

fwiw - clean your water stations very well and try to keep fresh clean water in them (hard I know - even though my water is elevated it gets dirty fairly quickly)
Also any wet areas that you have (I know you have ducks) housing, etc., try to keep it as dry as you can.

I wish I had better answers, keep us posted.

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