all who are hatching quail

Nine total so far, and I think that's all that are going to hatch as she's up and about with the chicks now. If I act like I'm going to touch one of her chicks, she goes into super protective mode and tries to peck and flog my hand/arm....she's such a good little mamma! :D
I am so jealous!!! I had a jumbo coturnix go broody on 5 eggs she did good until she stopped at day 12 and I wasn't home to grab them and put them in the incubator :( But the best/worst part is that they were all fertile and growing! I was so proud!!! Good luck with those little chicks and their amazing mama!
I heard that for a quail to go broody is like 1 in a million... So consider yourself to be a lucky momma!!! You should start your own thread .... On your successful hatch. To see if anybody else out there has a broody quail..
Can sombody help me identify this little guy he hatched out of a huge egg...???
Can I put 4 week olds in with 8 week olds?

I usually put my 4 weeks with anywhere from other 4-12 weeks birds. But my last hatch I put my 3 weeks with my 1 year olds and they got along fine. Just watch them for pecking of the eyes and feet or anywhere for that matter. If so remove them! Hope this helps :)
My incubator was stinky today. Close inspection of the eggs revealed one cracked one, and one that didn't appear cracked but smelled bad. Yes I smelled each egg. Bleh! I hope I got all of the trouble out of my incubator now and the rest can just hatch into chicks for me!
You should candle them at 7 days then at lock down get rid of all the none fertile ones at day 7 ... I heard that a bad egg could be hazardous to the other eggs ... The incubation process is so delicate that they even advice you to use filtered water...
I am so excited! My first EVER hatch!
I can't tell whether its a girl or boy (I wouldn't expect to this early) but any advice when sexing this young? PS: Any advice on keeping the peeping down? He/She only seems to quiet down when it sees me, or I record it peeping and play it to them, hahahaha
Sorry, a bit hysterical at the moment. I was in the middle of class when my dad texted me and said we had a hatcher! I almost yelped out loud
Expecting the others to hatch shortly, but while the baby was running around the incubator it rolled some of the eggs around-should that be a major problem??

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