all who are hatching quail

Oh one other thing check the humidity it may be to low. I always have mine around 60-65% sometimes 70% with larger hatches and good air circulation.
Thankyou sooo much for responding! So hears the situation: I have 25 bobwhites, only 20 eggs are in the bator (only fertile ones), 2 hatched yesterday, one hatched today at like 3:30pm and its still in the bator, and I have currently 2 zipping/pipping eggs (one being the "stuck" one) so i have 15-17 unhatched/internal pipped ones. The "stuck" egg started pipping at least after 4:00am (I got up and checked on them) and this morning @ 6:30 I saw that he started zipping and I'm like, oh great! He'll be hatched by the time I get home (4:35pm) and once I got home it was still trying but SLOWLY and now at 5:20pm-not even trying at all! But the 2nd zipper/pipper egg is still trying like once every 5-10 seconds.
Ok thanks, the humidity currently is at 62-71%, and also the chick still in the bator looks like his feet are a little deformed? I can't show you an example, but: put your hand like a puppet, point it down, and spread them a little and thats what they look like.
Yup that's what it looks like. So what you could do is make a temp. Leg/feet cast out of paper/cardboard/tape something that can be kept on and also taken off easily. I would show you I picture but sadly I do t have any of the ones I made. But they are very simple, if a 16 year old boy can do it then u can too! Lol and if the other chick in the egg is not out within an hour open the incubator ever so easily and fast, grab the egg, set the incubator, take the baby out very gently, make sure he/she is ok and not gonna suffer if u put it back in, then put it in/ or put it out of its misery. What ever u do do it fast so the other eggs don't get affected and maybe add some water to be safe. Not touch though, don't want to drowned the little things before they even hatch! Good luck!!!
Pictures of the "Stuck" egg, the pipper/zipper egg, and the deformed foot baby
I am so excited! My first EVER hatch!
I can't tell whether its a girl or boy (I wouldn't expect to this early) but any advice when sexing this young? PS: Any advice on keeping the peeping down? He/She only seems to quiet down when it sees me, or I record it peeping and play it to them, hahahaha
Sorry, a bit hysterical at the moment. I was in the middle of class when my dad texted me and said we had a hatcher! I almost yelped out loud
Expecting the others to hatch shortly, but while the baby was running around the incubator it rolled some of the eggs around-should that be a major problem??
This was sooooo me yesterday I was in class too!
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I can't put it on him because he's the runt (probably the size of a quarter) and he's too anxious and figity. Plus, he's only like 4 hours old. Do you think if I put him in with the other 2 chicks (bigger than him) he will be okay? He can barely walk on his feet, he like, hops and shuffles. I'll try to put it on him/her when he gets at least the size of a chicken chick

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