Almost done!


Feb 22, 2018
Bay Area, CA
Almost done with my coop and run for my 5 chicks! It’s been so fun decorating it.. I may have gone overboard. I just need to make a good dust bath area and some toys and things to keep them busy in the run. Any fun suggestions? Also you think this will be a big enough area for my 5 chickens right? I can only let them free range for maybe a couple hours a day at most, so they will be in here majority of the time.


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Thanks guys! Any ideas for fun things in there to keep them occupied? I was thinking some things to fly up on, a swing, a mirror..?
Very nice arrangement, pretty coop.:love I like how the coop is inside the run area. That's an extra layer of protection at night. I'm assuming the run has a hardware cloth apron or buried hardware cloth for digger prevention. Well done.
You asked if this would be comfortable for 5 birds but didn't give any dimensions so I can't really give a definitive answer. Design-wise it's perfect. I love it. So all I can say is if the dimensions are appropriate then you are golden! Dimension needs are:
4sqft/bird inside the coop not including nesting area, strictly walkabout floor. (This because if for any reason you have to lock them in they won't turn on each other and fight.)
10sqft/bird in the run area.
1 nest per 4-5 birds.
Roost higher than nests so they don't sleep in the nests.
Equal or more space from roost to opposing wall as from roost to floor so they have room to jump down without injuring legs.

Now we need photos of your chickens!:love
Very cute!
To be a bit of a downer here, that stapled chicken wire won't keep many predators out, and should be hardware cloth either attached with many screws and washers, or stapled, and then wood strips screwed in over the top.
And there need to be a dig proof barrier all around at least the coop area, if not the entire run.
Many of us have learned the hard way about predators having nice chicken dinners, don't have it happen to you!
Looks like a decent layout, nice run volume....but need to see inside the coop where they sleep...oh and dimensions would be good.

Very cute!
To be a bit of a downer here, that stapled chicken wire won't keep many predators out, and should be hardware cloth either attached with many screws and washers, or stapled, and then wood strips screwed in over the top.
And there need to be a dig proof barrier all around at least the coop area, if not the entire run.
Many of us have learned the hard way about predators having nice chicken dinners, don't have it happen to you!
Ditto Dat^^^

Here's some good examples of anti-dig apron installation.
If rodents are prolific, burying the apron ~12" would be good.
Working on cute designs is so much more fun than burying a HW cloth apron and discovering that chicken wire won’t protect chickens. The coop is beautiful! But if it’s not safe enough, the scene could be very ugly.

Don’t lose your creative energy! You have a few tweaks to make it perfectly safe, but it’s going to be fabulous.

A mirror, yes, and a couple of stumps or a log to perch on in the roost. You can add raked-up, dry leaves every so often in the winter and this will give them lots of fun.​

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