Alternatives to Bullets

Wow! I wonder if this thread has set a record for the most posts in the shortest period of time. Talk about a hot button! Nothing like the mention of guns/bullets/killing to get people going. I wonder if Cecil (and just now Jericho) have increased sensitivity to the issue.

Catnip, I hope your fence works out.
Wow! I wonder if this thread has set a record for the most posts in the shortest period of time. Talk about a hot button! Nothing like the mention of guns/bullets/killing to get people going. I wonder if Cecil (and just now Jericho) have increased sensitivity to the issue.

Catnip, I hope your fence works out.
Haha...well, it certainly was a lively discussion and SUPER helpful for me! After extensive consideration I decided to put the hav-a-hart away (waste of $) and opted to NOT RELOCATE. The wolf urine was an utter waste of even more $$ (FOOLISH ME)! No bullets, traps or other means of slaughtering the poor creature was going to jive with my philosophy and since I put the buffet out I opted for the electric fencing.

I cannot thank all of you enough for the lively debate and feedback. JackE your posts in particular have been extremely valuable!! I Blackjacked the coop floor the other day and will be putting down another coat in a just a few minutes. Great stuff!

As for fencing - after hours and hours of deliberation over black & white vs. green & black and Poultry Plus vs Perma Plus I came to my decision and just ordered ($$$) Hopefully by this time next week my new companions will be "free-ranging" again. Hope I can install and maintain this baby as I'm not so mechanically inclined and I live on a ledge peninsula...should be interesting!

Looking forward to some peace of mind. In the meantime I stand as acting guard human within 5 feet of my flock so they can run around the yard for a couple of hours before sunset. to let the birds play. Shed coop work is underway this weekend. JackE do you coat the roosts with that blackjack 57 for easier cleaning? Just curious.

This forum rocks btw! I'm just tickled to have you all as such valuable resources. :) I'm a complete chicken newbie but learning fast! I started with 15 (born 5/18) and lost 3 this past week - hard lessons learned and Mae(West), Barbara (Stanwyck) & Lana (Turner) will always be remembered and mourned. I will post their pictures in the new coop in rememberance. Ya, I'm a sentimental girl who had a dream of "free-ranging" by the sea. I didn't anticipate the fox ... my mistake entirely, not his/hers.

These eggs, when they finally arrive (Oct.?) will have cost me a small fortune, LOL! Thanks again everyone! Peace :)
Oh...this was the final order:
DS PermaNet Plus 12/48/3, 100', black/gr Each 2 $193.00 $386.00
5 Light Fence Tester Each 1 $11.50 $11.50
PoultryNet HotGate-48" tall, 36" long,bw Each 1 $52.50 $52.50
FiberTuff 22/48/SS Step-in Post, black Each 6 $4.75 $28.50
T Ground Rod, 3', galv. Each 3 $9.00 $27.00
DC PIW34 Insulated Wire 25 ft Each 1 $7.25 $7.25
Kube 4000 Each 1 $148.00 $148.00
I forget anything JackE or ?
These eggs, when they finally arrive (Oct.?) will have cost me a small fortune, LOL! Thanks again everyone! Peace :)

When my husband asked how much this whole "chicken thing" as going to cost, I told him something I read on BYC: The first dozen eggs cost about 3 grand - after that, they're all free!

Good luck with your new fencing! I'm off to let mine range for a while, too.
If you set a trap, try to put (if you have it) cat urine nearby. Hair would also probably work. A fox will go out of its way to kill a cat. Bait the trap with a bit of food or cat hair. Hopefully that works. If not, get a rooster (if you dont already have one). Some breeds, such as Iowa Blues, will attack hawks,coons, and foxes. My littlest Iowa Blue tackled my 4 year old german shepherd-lab mix (no blood or injury) and kept him away from the hen. He was 10 weeks and about a pound. Friendliest bird, but protecrive of his flock. Best of luck.
Catnip5 so glad you went with non-lethal! Foxes are beautiful! You are lucky to have such an amazing animal on your property, even if you have to make compromises to keep it there. Good luck with your fence, good to see others who wouldn't kill a fox! Please keep us posted on how everything works out!
Good luck,

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