am I the only non-girly one around??

I just snorted hot coffee!

I was tramatized as a young child. My stepfather had gross feet and nails but besides that there was this man one time - old fella - his nails were long and curled down and when he walked across a floor barefoot his nails ticked ticked like a dog against the floor. That shattered my poor little mind and I haven't been the same since. Not to mention they looked like old cornchips.


I may not sleep tonight with that image burned in my brain!!
My turn! I'm somewhere right in the middle I'd say.
I wear nice pants or long skirts to school most days (I'm a Special Education Aide). I HATE pantyhose. I do have a few pairs of tights that I wear with my favorite knee length corduroy skirt but I like the long skirts because I can get away with knee socks!! I don't wear high heels because they hurt. I'm 5'9" and don't need to be any taller. DH is 6'3". I do paint my toe nails in the summer because I think they look better. I don't bother with my finger nails because they just chip. I keep them very short. I get my hair cut in an inexpensive salon. It's shoulder length and I do blow it out for school but will let it dry wavy if I'm not going anywhere. I wear makeup when going to work or church but for weekends I usually don't bother. I did use to highlight my hair to hide the small amount of grays but gave that up.
I don't hunt or fish but enjoy the outdoors otherwise. I have nothing against either one. I have helped my cousin with deer he's shot. I worked for a veterinarian (small animal) and can heft an 80 lb dog onto an exam table. I assisted in surgery with no problems.
Humidity and tiny bugs bother me but I can deal without whining too much. I hike, camp, canoe.
I do hate spiders and even more-snakes. No way I could ever pick up a snake. I was able to pet one at a school assembly that was being held by a handler, but its head had to be far away from my hand.
I can cook, sew, knit. I can change a tire, and used to change my own oil but I've gotten lazy and let DH do it now. I drive a standard transmission, always have.
I'm sure there's more but I have bread to put in the oven and dinner to get on the table.
This is a fun way to get to know each other!
I know now, so If you keep quiet about me getting my nails done and being gurly, I wont tell PC

And what are YOU doing here?
I don't remember the year I last wore a Makeup is a bother, although I moisturize daily. I wear my hair long because it's easier to pull back in a braid for helmet hair. Had my motorcycle custom painted in a skull motiff...not very ladylike at

I can be girly sometimes, I will wear a dress and high heels, but I don't wear makeup or get my nails done, ever. I have rebuilt 2 engines for my cars and spend most of my time working on cars. My husband laughs as his first wife was a Model, he's not sure how he ended up with me. I shocked him when we first met cause I asked him to pull over on the side of the road (he's a truck driver) so i could pee. He was floored, his first wife would never do that.
well lets let yall decide on me,

my girlyside,

I wear eye makeup,sometime face makeup
I love short shorts + flipflops +tanktops.

my not so girly side,

I love hunting and fishing.
Love guns. " right to bare arms"
Have a million animals.
Rides goats, and stuff.
I do not like small dogs.
Love reptiles.
Climb trees.
Do not like shopping.
many more but cant think of them " I have C.R.S "

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