am I the only non-girly one around??

Here is a link to my bike.

Okay, my turn (been out playing in the burn pit with DH most of the day)

I really, really wanna say I am NOT girly, but I think I'm more of a "NOT GIRLY WANNA BE"

I had my Barbies when I was little, but played football with my brother and his buddies ALL the time.

As an adult, I'd lot rather be out mucking out a barn than shopping. Only wear mascara, unless I happen to be working, then I only add powder foundation and blush. Spent YEARS trying to have "the" hair. Finally gave up and discovered the flat iron. Now I have hair I had all my life and fought against. Whodathunkit?

Anyway, I have ONE dress that I've only worn to funerals. Hate that dress.

My idea of getting dolled up is a trip to the local western store for a pair of black Rockies and maybe some new DoubleH's.

Jean (or capris) and a t-shirt for me. If I weren't heavier than DH, I'd raid his closet every morning!

Cannot/will not tolerate bugs/spiders/snakes. Particularly when I find a tarantula in my living room, or scorpions in the bathroom, or snakes in the entry.

DH is in charge of the tool handling/building/fixing. Simply because we really don't want ME doing it. Scary thought, that is! Too uncoordinated for such intricate work (LOL)

And, I just want to ask Pipermark.............MARK.....I would hope you aren't girly! LOL
Here it is - the last time I wore a fancy schmancy dress...

LOOK FAST these personal pic's don't come around very often... - pic will self distruct in a couple of days:

****POOF - they're gone ***************
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I snuck in some cowboy boots - its as DARING as I could get !

(Thanks Bantymum for the sweet words!)
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I'm not girlie - I don't wear dresses, and I only wear a skirt because it is school uniform. I wear make-up every day, but only because I have terrible skin. I do like clothes shopping, but I don't own anything conventianally 'pretty'. Most of my clothes are black, and I listen to metal. My last haircut was about a year ago (I keep meaning to go again). I've never had my nails done and can't see the point! I don't own a pair of high heels either.

I got a greenhouse for my 16th birthday and I would love to learn to shoot. I am learning to fly sailplanes, which is a sport most definitely dominated by men! Chicken keeping also tends to be male dominated (especially in the fancy - women are a bit overepresented on BYC!) as is growing veg. I spend my saturday mornings mucking out livestock on a city farm. I can pitch a tent better than most and once walked 20 miles in two days carrying everything I needed in my backpack (tent, sleeping bag, etc.) for an award scheme.

Me? Girly? Nahhhhhh.
well, i guess i am a bit of a girly-girl.

i usually won't leave the house without some lipstick, blush etc.
i'd rather not open a door myself if my SO is there to do it for me. same thing goes for lifting heavy things.
i love skirts, especially long ones.
most days my hair is pulled up in a fluffy up-do.
i love anything sparkly. anything. seriously, if it sparkles i'm down with it.
i get all excited over adorable, funky purses.
then again i do know how to use power tools . . . so i'm not an altogether hopeless case!

for what it's worth my SO doesn't have a girly bone in her body. you couldn't get her into a dress if you put a gun to her head. so in terms of our total composite household girliness quotent we tend to balance one another out. so maybe i can get some "non-girly" points that way?! i'm non-girly-girl by proxy!

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