Am I the only one that hates halloween?

A friend of mine reports that her cutest trick-or-treater was a little girl about 3 years old, who ran up the sidewalk and said "Chicken treat!"

I didn't ask if she gave her cooked spaghetti.
I do not hate Halloween at all. It is supposed to be a day to honor our loved ones who have passed on. It was not supposed to be about dressing as monsters and begging for candy but why not let the youngsters have fun with it. My aunt who always took me trick or treating was buried the day before Halloween this year so I really wish I could have celebrated it. I did not have the money to pass out candy and it was raining too much for a bonfire. Unfortunately I just had to leave the porch light off this year.
CallyB57 mentioned "dragging a 2-ton bag of candy behind them with the full intention of eating it all". My daughter's friend came over after school one year and the two of them asked if they could eat candy while they did homework. I just figured it would end the candy situation sooner if another kid helped eat it so I gave them the bowl and told them to have all they wanted. I wondered why that child ate like she had never seen candy before. When I was at the elementary school the following day I walked past the nurses office and saw the child in there giving herself her afternoon dose of insulin.
Her mother hadn't let her go trick-or-treating...go figure.
OMG Not good.

I bought candy Friday after work. I'm diabetic as well. Didn't want it around the house-too much temptation. Well apparently I got up in the night and ate about 1/2 lb of chocolate.

Imp- Well at least I didn't dismantle the dishwasher like the last time I sleptwalked.
Working in retail I must say that Halloween is by far my least favorite "holiday".
And I don't mind at all that I've only had 2 trick or treaters in the 4 yrs I've lived here:)
Actually, the original Halloween did involve leaving out treats to appease wandering spirits. Children going about dressed as goblins and getting treats came out of that tradition. In early Halloween celebrations, communities would light bonfires, and young men would dress in white robes and wear masks to play the part of "spirits." Halloween is at least a 3000 year old tradition handed down from Celtic peoples.
You can't stand someone coming to your door to get candy, but you send your kids out to do that to others?

I love halloween, hubby and I got dressed up along with the kids, after trick or treating, we took the kids to a friends house to watch a movie then we went to the pub for a drink - ALL dressed up!
They had a costume contest, I came away with 1st prize!

I love it but where I live at, there is no door to door trick or treating, all the trick or treating are done at the local church or a festival in the next town where kids do it booth to booth (it's loads of fun). If I was able to do trick or treating, my computer will be armed and ready with TONS of horror noises and my speakers would be on so high, who knows if they will survive the night!
FUN to scare kids, as long as they are not YOUNG kids *EEKS!*
Hopefully only the ones who are participating! I don't have any kids, but don't mind giving candy to other people's. I don't see anything wrong with sending your kids out to trick or treat while not giving out candy yourself.
You can't stand someone coming to your door to get candy, but you send your kids out to do that to others?

I love halloween, hubby and I got dressed up along with the kids, after trick or treating, we took the kids to a friends house to watch a movie then we went to the pub for a drink - ALL dressed up!
They had a costume contest, I came away with 1st prize!


Yep. Why is that worthy of a giggle? They are into it, the kids they go with and their parents are into it, the people's houses they go to are into it... I am not.


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