Ameracaunas from Ideal Poultry

I ordere cd from Meyer hatchery in Ohio. Their assorted rare could be any 20 from marans to Ameraucanas to wyandotte to polish (of which I have 1), to EE to lakenvelders. About 20 breeds in the mix. I have 8. One is a polish, one white cochin, Possible campine, jersey giant, EE.I can't wait to find out what they are!
If I breed Easter egger to Easter egger they are Easter eggers right

I'm no expert but I would think so. If they lay colored eggs like blue and green, I don't know what else they'd be called. .. I think Easter egger is like mutt, no matter how many breeds are mixed in its still a mutt with blue and/or green eggs. .. maybe someone with more definitive knowledge can help clarifyfor us?
Oh cool we'll an EE to me is a bearded chicken, with many colors within the flock, pea comb, and eggs of any color within the flock, at least that is what I am breeding for. Thanks for the reply.
An olive eager is a mix between a Maran who lays very dark brown eggs and an Ameracauna who lays blue eggs. I've never heard of a cherry egger.

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