Ameraucana Cockerel or pullet?

I have an EE purchased as a 1-day-old sexed pullet and she has comb development and color almost identical to that of your bird. Mine is near the top of the pecking order in a group of assorted 8-week-olds but hasn't displayed roosterish behaviors, either (no starting fights, no unusual sounds, etc.) Also no red patches on the shoulders at this point. Fingers tightly crossed for both of us!
Thanks for all of the input. I know the kids are rooting for another girl. We found a home for the Roos - we just don't know if we should send this one with the other 2. Here is the best picture I can get of the comb. If we can't figure it out we will keep this one until we know for sure. Thanks again for the help.

At 8 weeks old, a comb that well developed and red means it's a boy.
Thanks everyone for your input. We will probably hold on to this one until it crows (or lays an egg). We have 8 new chicks in the basement to distract the kids. The chicks are supposed to be pullets - hopefully the hatchery does a better job sexing chickens than I do.
Like everyone else we are hoping this is a pullet. "It" is 8 weeks old it is in a pen with 2 cockerels and one pullet (orpingtons). It is one week younger than the other birds. Since it is at the bottom of the pecking order its behavior doesn't help with the identification. This is our first flock so we have no experience.

It doesn't appear to have any wattles and comb is real small. I'd vote for a hen.

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