American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

I hope someone can help me. What I thought was just dirt on Hercules and Eolis's bills is actually some kind of canker. It was not there back in the fall but has been getting larger on both of them. I finally caught Hercules and ran my finger over the spot and realized that it was somekind of sore. What is it and what can I do?
I hope someone can help me. What I thought was just dirt on Hercules and Eolis's bills is actually some kind of canker. It was not there back in the fall but has been getting larger on both of them. I finally caught Hercules and ran my finger over the spot and realized that it was somekind of sore. What is it and what can I do?
Could they have been rubbing their bills on something? Strange it's both in the same spot. But I know nothing about canker and if water fowl can get it. Put some ACV into their drinking bucket 1-2 Tab to 1 gal of water and do you have Veterycin spray for wounds and infection? Or antibiotic ointment? with out pain relief. My gander cut his bill on something a few years ago and using the ACV in his bucket helped to heal it.Scrub all their buckets out real good with white vinegar. It helps kill bacteria and pools if you have any set up then use the Apple cider vinegar in their drinking water I'd start with 1 Tab and increase to 2 it is also a really good tonic for our birds and us. Once this is gone use the ACV a couple times a week as a tonic for them. I am going to go read up on canker
I'd look inside their bills.To make sure there is nothing inside the bill. sores etc.
I found this on line
CANKER (TRICHOMONIASIS) White or cream plaques appear in mouth in advanced stages. In most species, these plaques develop at the back of the mouth. They will continue to grow until they block the bird's ability to eat. Sometimes the growths occur near the glottis, interferring with breathing. Most birds die of emaciation. Do not attempt to remove, and be careful about disturbing plaques. The plaques are hypervascular and if disturbed could literally cause the patient to drown in blood. Treat with flagyl/metronidiazole at 60mg/kg. Possible respiratory difficulties due to floating plaques, seek veterinary help to discuss options.
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Could they have been rubbing their bills on something? Strange it's both in the same spot. But I know nothing about canker and if water fowl can get it. Put some ACV into their drinking bucket 1-2 Tab to 1 gal of water and do you have Veterycin spray for wounds and infection? Or antibiotic ointment? with out pain relief. My gander cut his bill on something a few years ago and using the ACV in his bucket helped to heal it.Scrub all their buckets out real good with white vinegar. It helps kill bacteria and pools if you have any set up then use the Apple cider vinegar in their drinking water I'd start with 1 Tab and increase to 2 it is also a really good tonic for our birds and us. Once this is gone use the ACV a couple times a week as a tonic for them. I am going to go read up on canker
I'd look inside their bills.To make sure there is nothing inside the bill. sores etc.
I found this on line
CANKER (TRICHOMONIASIS) White or cream plaques appear in mouth in advanced stages. In most species, these plaques develop at the back of the mouth. They will continue to grow until they block the bird's ability to eat. Sometimes the growths occur near the glottis, interferring with breathing. Most birds die of emaciation. Do not attempt to remove, and be careful about disturbing plaques. The plaques are hypervascular and if disturbed could literally cause the patient to drown in blood. Treat with flagyl/metronidiazole at 60mg/kg. Possible respiratory difficulties due to floating plaques, seek veterinary help to discuss options.

Thanks, I will scrub the buckets and add the ACV right away. Scrubbing the sore should be interesting. Hercules really has an attitude. Eolis is less volitale but will threaten me if I am fighting with Herc. Mind you I don't start it. If Herc just wouldn't try to bite me we would be fine. He even tries to get me when I am setting the food down. He is a real jerk. I swear though when I was taking the pictures that Eolis got onto him about being an @$$. Herc made like he would reach through the fence and get my knee and Eolis reached over and pinched him on the neck and then nibbled him to distract him. My husband came up with a good plan to use their natural talents for the farm. We have lots of deer. His idea was to build them an area surrounding the vegetable garden like a ring to keep deer from coming and jumping in at night.

I wondered also if it could be a fungal infection. I called it a canker because it reminds me of mouth sores in people. Of course that is a virus. I have a book about restraining/handling livestock. I guess I need to look up the subject of geese.
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Thanks, I will scrub the buckets and add the ACV right away. Scrubbing the sore should be interesting. Hercules really has an attitude. Eolis is less volitale but will threaten me if I am fighting with Herc. Mind you I don't start it. If Herc just wouldn't try to bite me we would be fine. He even tries to get me when I am setting the food down. He is a real jerk. I swear though when I was taking the pictures that Eolis got onto him about being an @$$. Herc made like he would reach through the fence and get my knee and Eolis reached over and pinched him on the neck and then nibbled him to distract him. My husband came up with a good plan to use their natural talents for the farm. We have lots of deer. His idea was to build them an area surrounding the vegetable garden like a ring to keep deer from coming and jumping in at night.

I wondered also if it could be a fungal infection. I called it a canker because it reminds me of mouth sores in people. Of course that is a virus. I have a book about restraining/handling livestock. I guess I need to look up the subject of geese.
I wouldn't scrub the areas on their bills just use the ACV and let it do the work and spray or use antibiotic ointment at night if they don't have water at night. Oh I know about ornery geese I have 2 ganders right now who act like they want to kill me.
Get help from husband he can hold you treat the bills if you do the spray or ointment at night they won't wash it off as fast. Could be fungal try and see if the ACV does anything over the weekend before going for fungal meds.
Well my young Buff laid her first egg. but my buff gander still is in the back ground he is staying near the dog house could he be protecting that area ?
the Blue gander is still chasing him All three go for a walk he stays back. Should i pair them off they will still see each other but the stress level should be less or should i leave them alone and let them work it out. Oh finally named them the buffs are Mike and Molly the blues are Fred and Wilma .
Well my young Buff laid her first egg. but my buff gander still is in the back ground he is staying near the dog house could he be protecting that area ?
the Blue gander is still chasing him All three go for a walk he stays back. Should i pair them off they will still see each other but the stress level should be less or should i leave them alone and let them work it out. Oh finally named them the buffs are Mike and Molly the blues are Fred and Wilma .
Congrats on the egg, I think my Buff maybe getting ready she has been going into the small coop after I let them out each morning and her gander [the young one follows her inside and makes such a fuss] But so far no egg from either female.
I like those names As for separating you could try it and see how it goes. So far mine are still a foursome.
We got our first egg from Gertie today! She turned 10 months last Friday. How long does it take on average for first timers to have good fertility?


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